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Re: [ARSCLIST] Long-term/preservation audio (delayed AGAIN!)

Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Long-term/preservation audio (delayed AGAIN!)

In a message dated 7/25/2003 3:58:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, Dnjchi@xxxxxxx writes:

Some of us will remember the AFM strike during the mid-'40s.  I have discovered through the years that many folks purchased disc cutters during that period, and recorded songs off-the-air for parties, dances, etc.  From time to time I come upon these acetates (lacquers) in 8", 10" and l2". 

Among the discs donated to our museum by a local broadcast engineer were a number of eight inch glass based lacquers of common popular songs by various major artists.  I was surprised at this since I would think that these would be more expensive than just buying the shellac records.  However they were dated in the mid 40s so they probably fall into the category above.  Unfortunately most are broken or in very poor condition.

Mike Csontos
I suppose all of you are aware that broadcast stations got feeds from the networks back then and cut discs for later broadcasts. That's how the CBS discs and subsequent tapes (done by Univ. of Washington) of WWII news broadcasts came about.
Paul Jackson

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