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Re: [ARSCLIST] Correspondence with Lawrence Lessig


    I think you're correct about the "work for hire" status of most 78
recordings. Some big stars (as in the Naxos/Capitol case) must have had
royalty agreements, but each contract would have to be seen to know how
long it applies, what stipulations there were, etc. In Europe, where the
78 era is almost completely PD, I can't imagine that any contracts still
   What do you know about particular artists who established ownership
of dead companies or at least their own performances? I'm very curious.


>>> stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 07/23/03 05:14PM >>>
----- Original Message -----
 As I understand it, virtually all
of the 78-era recordings are considered "works for hire," since the
usually received a fixed salary for the sessions, and thus the
belong to the employer or their assignees. However, there are cases
artists were able to establish ownership subsequent to the demise of
companies involved...
Steven C. Barr

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