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[ARSCLIST] ERPANET Workshop "Long-term Preservation of Databases", Bern, 9-11 April 2003

ERPANET is pleased to announce its workshop on the Long-term Preservation of Databases. It will be held on the 9-11 April 2003 and is co-hosted by the Swiss Federal Archives.


Databases have been, and continue to be, a key technology for the storage, organisation, and interrogation of information. While the value of other types of digital information has been highlighted in recent years, databases and the information they contain have been sidelined. Their preservation is of high concern as they are often either irreplaceable or of such value that replacement would be prohibitively expensive.

The workshop will cover the entire process of database preservation: selection, appraisal, preservation, description, and access. Technical solutions will occupy an important place in the workshop and archival requirements will also be addressed. 

Different institutional approaches will be presented and key areas of difficulty and success offered. Breakout sessions will focus on some of these identified areas, and attempt to posit solutions and strategies for this difficult challenge.

Who will benefit from attending?

Erpaworkshops are expert meetings to promote and develop new approaches to preservation challenges. Participation is encouraged from specialists in the archival, scientific, and IT spheres, and those with theoretical and/or practical experience in the field of database preservation.


Wednesday 9 April
	Opening (9 a.m.)
	General introduction to the subject
	Concrete solutions: approaches chosen, practical experiences
Thursday 10 April
	Specific topics: Selection, appraisal, description, preservation
Friday 11 April
	Access and reusability
	Closing (around 12 p.m.)


The workshop will take place at the Swiss Federal Archives, Berne, Switzerland

Further information

Information about the finalised programme, speakers, and social programme will be sent out in February 2003.

Please register at www.erpanet.org.

Georg Buechler  |  ERPANET Content Editor  |  Swiss Federal Archives  |  Archivstrasse 24  |  CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland  |  T +41 31 322 82 18  |  F +41 31 322 78 23  |  E swiss.editor@xxxxxxxxxxx  |  W www.erpanet.org

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