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RE: arsclist Cassette Sticky-Shed

To clarify a point raised by David Hoffman: I non-destructively separate a cassette shell to expose the tape pack to allow for better air circulation around the tape in the oven.  When baking quarter inch tapes on reels, the reels go in just as they are.  Even if the reels are NAB reels made of two flanges and a hub screwed together, these are left intact.  Whenever we come across sticky tapes we bake (all things being equal) before anything else.  To run a tape from one reel to the next even without head contact would run a very real risk of stripping oxide from adhering layers.  Even playing a sticky tape at normal speed runs the risk of oxide stripping from adhering layers so I would advise caution with David's NAGRA idea.  David: when you use this extra spindle idea do you achieve enough tape contact on the replay head? 
British Library National Sound Archive
-----Original Message-----
From: Allinaday@xxxxxxx [mailto:Allinaday@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 January 2003 13:19
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: arsclist Cassette Sticky-Shed

Dear all,
I have an alternative method to baking which has been working for me.  I also have a question re Nigel's suggestion for removing one side of the reel when baking.

What I did was set up a spindle near my Nagra on the play IN side of the tape recorder (as opposed to the play out side).  The spindle has absolutely no stress on it and as the tape plays through the playhead, the spindle slowly turns.  This eliminates the squeak which is coming from pressure on the tape as it moves through the play heads. I have completely eliminated squeaking this way.

Re Nigel's suggestion.  Nigel?  Why don't you just run the tapes at high speed through to a reel the where the top can be removed and then remove the top of ever tape before baking?

Best regards,
David Hoffman
veteran filmmaker


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