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arsclist Joining ARSC

For those participants on the ARSClist that are not members of ARSC, the membership committee invites you to join in 2003. ARSC membership runs for a calendar year and if you join now, you will receive a full year of membership benefits. As part of your membership, you will receive the ARSC Newsletter, the ARSC Journal, the Membership Directory and you will also receive discounts on ARSC trainings and the annual ARSC conference, to be held this year in Philadelphia.

Since it's inception in 1967, ARSC has been a leading voice for the academic discussion of the history and preservation of recorded sound. ARSC is a volunteer organization composed of it's members and reflects the diverse interests of the membership. Membership is open to all that are interested in the subject and is composed of collectors and dealers, historians and discographers, librarians and archivists, engineers and producers and others.

The ARSClist was set up in 1999 to facilitate the exchange of information on sound archives and promote communication among those interested in preserving, documenting, and making accessible the history of recorded sound. If you have benefited from the discussions here, please take time this year to write a check and join the organization. Dues are $36 per year, for new members the first year's dues are $33.

For more information and a printable membership form, please visit the ARSC webpage at http://www.arsc-audio.org/join.html.

David Seubert

For subscription instructions, see the ARSC home page
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