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arsclist Re: Sticky tape- the other kind

>>> gn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/27/02 11:56AM >>>
"Steven Smolian" <smolians@xxxxxxxxx> wrote to the ARSC list (and
On the subject: Sticky tape- the other kind

> Can anyone suggest a solvent to remove the adhesive residue left by
> Scotch tape from the plastic used to make the floppy thin red Edison
> dictation diamond discs?
> I'm concerned that acetone, which usually gets it off, may also
destroy the
> disc surface itself.

I've successfully removed adhesive with a tiny bit of mineral oil on a
"q-tip"  - - emphasis on the tiny.  I wouldn't try it on anything that
might absorb the oil.  Worked wonders for me on a scale model car with
rock-hard adhesive on the doors.  

Another trick that works is more sticky tape.  Sounds horrible, but if
the residue is gummy rather than hard, it will stick more to other
adhesives than it will to a non-adhesive.  This can be used _with care_
on any surface that is not fragile or flaking.  I wrap a small strip of
clear packing tape around the tip of a finger, and use a rolling touch
and pull motion, working from the outer edges.  It very neatly picks the
residue up.  I've used this with success on glass, plastic and paper
surfaces.  I've used this technique successfully on adhesive residue
that acetone would not clean.  

Happy New Year,

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