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Re: arsclist Cataloging

>>> stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/16/02 05:37PM >>>
>1) The first 264 bytes are numeric; are these one or a set of numbers
>internal catalog use, and if so do they somehow relate to text-based
>lists or do they have meaning for the library staff?

The leader usually contains a loader code that tells the institution's
software what is coming in, and carries the "fixed fields" of the MARC
record.  I don't know anyone who can freely translate leader coding,
although it presumably could be done.

>2) The data record apparently represents an album set, not a

Yes, there are 5 records in this set.

>3) I note a fair amount of information that doesn't seem to appear
>it is in the form of the mysterious numbers mentioned). Does the
>only track work, composer, director, album and disc numbers and the
like, without noting matrix, take (also omitted from the RDI),
(and damage if any), and the like?

The system tracks whatever the cataloger (following the standards set
by their institution, etc.) enters.  Some collections will note more of
this info than others.  Local notes, such as conditions/damage are
normally stripped from the union record and appear only in the local
record.  Since condition is a unique aspect of the item, it is noted
locally.  Theoretically, the record entered into the union database has
only the universal aspects noted.  

>4) Is MARC actually a data format (in the sense of being a list of
to be used) or are there further considerations to it? Does the .mrc
extension indicate it is also a file format, or is this being used for
records created at this particular institution?

Yes, MARC is a data format.  I'm not sure what you mean by further
considerations.  Probably .mrc is local, MARC does not automatically
generate this extension.  My MARC files are exported with a .dat
extension, for instance.


Jeanette Berard
Special Collections Librarian
Thousand Oaks Library System
(805) 449-2660 xt228
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