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Re: arsclist media preservation and access project

Don Cox wrote:
> On 20-Nov-02, Jerome Hartke wrote:
> > CD-DA, or Red Book audio, is not streaming, but consists of frames,
> > each containing 24 bytes of digitized audio together with eight bytes
> > of powerful cross-interleave Reed-Solomon error correcting code plus
> > sync and subcode. CD-ROM, or Yellow Book data, adds additional error
> > correction at the sector level.
> Don't all streaming digital formats use frames?
> Regards
> --
> Don Cox

Addressable CD-ROM 2K sectors consist of 98 sequential frames, each
containing 588 channel bits. These frames are addressable only as one 98
frame subcode block. Only subcode block addresing is used for CD-DA.
Both are used for CD-ROM.

The smallest addressable DVD unit is a 2K sector, but error correction
operates on a 32K ECC block made up of 16 sectors. Actual DVD
information on the disc is contained in 1488 channel bit sync frames,
but these are not individually addressable.

The interchangeable in the standards use of block, frame, and sector
terminology is rather confusing, and requires specificity when each term
is used.


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