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Re: arsclist CBC/BBC WW2 radio series

It was "L for Lanky" on CBC Radio. Here's what "From Coast to Coast; A Personal History ofRadio in Canada" by Sandy Stewart (CBC Enterprises, 1985) says about the show:

"Air force fans also had their own wartime show, a drama called "L for Lanky," sponsored by the Canadian Marconi Company, written by Don Bassett and produced by Alan Savage. Again true war stories were impanted on a fictional bomber, "L for Lanky." This show was almost as successful as "Fighting Navy" and included in the cast were Jack Fuller, Jules Upton, George Murray (the tenor), Herb Gott, Art Martin and Vincent Tovell."

CBC Radio has broadcast excerpts from the show, so I'm quite certain there are copies of the show in the CBC Archives (http://archives.cbc.ca/). They're extremely helpful to legitimate researchers.

John Ross
Northwest Folklife

At 06:42 PM 10/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
  Can anyone supply:
     Information about a WW2 radio series called either "Lucky
Lancaster" or "L for Lanky"?  It was broadcast in Canada during the war,
but may have originated from the BBC?
     CDr or tape copies of any of the programs?
     or a any source which may have these programs available?

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