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Re: CDs, was DATs, Was Re: arsclist Duplicating casette tapes

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Steve, and others who ought to be concerned:

I will briefly indicate the types for interest, but otherwise I would 
recommend that the original AES material is bought, either as hard 
copy or in the CD-ROM form; continued sales is necessary to be 
able to survive as a conference organiser and publisher

> George, did any of these tests disclose what surface material was used
> for the CDs?
> Steve Smolian

> > During the AES 20th International Conference in October, 2001,
> > information was presented which give grave warnings about CD-R. The
> > paper by Stanislav Psohlavec was only referred to and recommended,
> > but it is printed in "Practical Experience with Long- Term Archiving
> > of Data on CD-R", in: "The Proceedings of the AES 20th International
> > Conference 2001 October 5-7 Budapest, Hungary - Archiving,
> > Restoration, and New Methods of Recording", Co- chairs Éva
> > Arató-Borsi and Dietrich Schüller, Audio Engineering Society 2001,
> > pp. 15-17.

----- a quote will whet your appetite (if you spell it "wet", it simply 
means drooling):

"We were confronted with an attempt to sell us (cheaply) media of 
a well-known producer, which were of lower quality. This fact was 
discovered on the basis of measurement of several samples. 
During the reclamation it was recognized that the source of media 
was not fully warranted. In another similar case, the worse discs 
were produced by the same producer, but in a (new?) factory in 
another country into which the manufacturer wanted to penetrate."

> >
> > The paper by Drago Kunej on pp. 18-25 of the same publication
> > "Instability and Vulnerability of CD-R Carriers to Sunlight" is a
> > most practical and simple approach which is frighteningly realistic.

----- Drago tested:

A: "..... inexpensive multipurpose CD-Rs with the cyanine dye and 
a silver reflective layer. .... poor manufacture"

B: " ...[likewise] but ..... well-known manufacturer"

C: "..... the only CD-R audio discs, and therefore the most 
expensive of all."

D: "..... equal characteristics as the discs A, but made by a 
different manufacturer "

E: " ..... so-called "gold" discs with the phthalocyanine dye and a 
gold reflective layer ...... for different usages."

The tests Drago performed may be repeated by anyone!!

Kind regards,

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