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Re: arsclist aCQUISITION OF AN elp lASER

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Hello Kwame,

Kwame Sarpong wrote

the Gramophone Records Museum and Research
> Centre of Ghana is desirous in acquiring one ELP Laser
> Turntaable for our project involving over 18, 000
> 78rpm shellacs some in very bad condition and with
> about 4000 broken.

You wanted information about the manufacturer and the product. 
The manufacturer is ELP Corporation in Japan, and their website is 
www.elpj.com. It is a good and instructive website, and because I 
have had occasion to work very intensely with their model LT I XA I 
can confirm the claims they make for it. I just now looked at the 
website, and it seems that the prices have to be obtained directly 
from the company, but about a half-year ago they essentially 
slashed their prices to half, i.e. that model went down from slightly 
below USD 20,000 to ca. USD 10,000. It is still the cost of a small 
car, but the saving in restorer's time when playing broken records 
could very well make up for that, given sufficient volume.

I usually recommend the Elberg MD12 pre-amp and equaliser, 
because it adapts beautifully to most electrical recording curves, 
and it has balanced output for professional equipment. The output 
from the ELP is compatible with ordinary magnetic pickups and so 
works well with the preamplifier. Their website is www.vadlyd.dk.

We can communicate more off-list, if you wish.

Kind regards,

George Brock-Nannestad

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