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RE: arsclist Fw: [MLA-L] Help! What is this?

These are likely recordio disks! I just transferred some of these!
BECAREFUL these were meant to be played with a Quill stylus, and a
regular diamond or steel stylus will damage these! They have a very wide
groove and can be hard to find a proper needle. Then you have to use a
very light tracking force IE: .75 grams or less I found worked well.

 There seemed to be quite a few do it your self record formats out
there, I have run into several different type's so far, but these were
very hard to transcribe as they are not a standard size. The "hub" in
the middle is smaller then a 7" 45 or 12" 33 rpm disc, the arm on my
turntable would hit the end stop before it got to the end of the
recording. I had to rig my arm up to travel in that far, and set the
cartridge up at an angle to get the right geometry. 

Dave Meyers
Overkill audio inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Paul T. Jackson
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 12:18 PM
Subject: arsclist Fw: [MLA-L] Help! What is this?

Perhaps someone from ARSC could enlighten this person from MLA?
This is probably a transcription disc, but I don't recall any such
machine in my past experience.

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information & Library Development
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <marcum_rg@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 8:41 AM
Subject: [MLA-L] Help! What is this?

| A colleague of mine in the Baptist archives came to me with a 6-7"
| aluminum disc looking similar to a 45 RPM single. Instead  of the 1.5"
| hole in the center, there are three small holes arranged in a
| triangular pattern. Can anyone shed some light on what this might be.
| Thanks,
| Richard G. Marcum
| Listening Center Supervisor/ Public Relations Comm.
| Mercer University Jack Tarver Library
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