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RE: arsclist Transporting media by airplane?

Dear Brian,
    "An issue you're missing" might be as follows. I lost a *machine*, even
when carried as hand-luggage in the passenger cabin, when the batteries
leaked in the depressurised environment. I'd advise you to think carefully
about anything which might include liquid and/or corrosive chemicals.
Peter Copeland

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Levy [mailto:xernaut@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 July 2002 02:31
To: arsclist; AV Media Matters
Subject: arsclist Transporting media by airplane?

Hello fellow archivists, 

I have a question which is related but not identical
to some of those about irradiation of mail which the
list has dealt with in recent months.

I am planning on moving back overseas to Sweden soon,
and am planning on setting up an archiving studio over

I will need the ability to transport precious, old
reel-to-reel, analog cassette, DAT, VHS, Beta,
Super-8, Hi-8, Digital-8, Mini-DV, CD-R, and DVD-R
media back and forth across the Atlantic about three
or four times per year for the tribes I work with.  

Obviously, this raises a few questions:

1.a.  If I carried DAT, Mini-DV, Digital-8, and other
digital tape media on my person on the plane, and
these went through airport x-ray systems, would that
harm the media in any way?  
(Perhaps I could request hand-inspection of such
carry-on bags filled with irreplaceable cultural
knowledge, that might be a reasonable request?)

1.b. And what about old reel-to-reels, analog
cassettes, VHS, Beta, and other analog audio and video
formats, would they be adversely affected by airport
x-ray machines?

2. Could I check a large suitcase full of
newly-produced, archival,
to-be-placed-in-Stateside-archives, CD-R's and
DVD-R's, given the possible colder temperatures in the
baggage compartment under the plane [my friend pointed
out to me that his Dalmation never seems to mind that
compartment very much, although in his then-drugged
state, maybe he's not one to ask (ha)]?  Can you think
of any way that digital optical media would be harmed
thus?  (Apart from getting lost by the airline or
overly thrown-around, but assuming they're well padded
and packed...?)

3.  Can you think of any other issues I'm missing?  

(I'm also assuming I won't get mugged by someone
assuming I'm some kind of secret agent, and not just a
run-of-the-mill language activist and archivist...)

Thanks for any sharing any thoughts or ideas on these

      Brian Levy

Brian Levy
Language Activist; Archivist
Kiwat Hasinay Foundation
Box 305
Binger, OK 73009 USA
(1) 405-401-3928


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