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Re: arsclist Kodak is stopping CD-R manufacture !?

Color book standards preceded the public standards, and are not under

CD-DA interchange was first defined in the Red Book that is regularly
revised by Philips. IEC 908 came later and has not been revised.

CD-ROM interchange was first defined in the Yellow Book that is also
revised by Philips from time-to-time. ISO/IEC 10149 came several years
later and has undergone one revision.

CD-R interchange is defined in Orange Book Part II. There is no public

ISO 9660 is a standard for volume and file structure, not for

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Media Sciences

Mike Richter wrote:
> At 12:28 PM 3/13/2002 +0000, James E. Baldwin wrote:
> >Please excuse my ignorance but what is the Red Book Standard?
> The standard for CD-DA was published in a book with an unwieldy name and
> red covers. Ever since, it has been known as "The Red Book". Other
> standards under ISO 9960 are in books of other colors and are known by
> their shades: orange and yellow certainly.
> Someone who has actually worked with those volumes will undoubtedly both
> expand and correct the above.
> Mike
> mrichter@xxxxxxx
> http://www.mrichter.com/

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