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Re: arsclist Worldwide VCR/DVD advice

For Brenda Nelson-Strauss:

If you can recap responses to your inquiry at some point, that would be
very helpful. I, too, am seeking a DVD machine with universal video
capability but would like to find one that can concurrently handle discs
containing large numbers of MP3 files. The requirement stems from CD-ROMs
of opera and vocal recordings issued by Mike Richter and others. These
are of course designed for use with Macs or PCs but it makes sense (to
me, at least) to play them over a regular sound system. Thus far, the
best deal I've found is an Apex machine (AD-3201), sold cheap-cheap by
K-Mart(!), but alas its upper limit is 200 tracks. Thanks in advance &
holiday greetings from John Lambert.
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