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arsclist spoken word recordings, Loyle Holmes Miller

Cheryl Thurber 
cthurb@xxxxxxxxx wrote

In sorting through records recently I came across a
box that seemed rather odd. These are 12" 78s spoken
word recordings. The time period is not clear it could
be anytime between the late 1930s to early 1950s.

The performer is 
Loyle Holmes Miller of the University of California at
Los Angeles. The series is called Campfire Smoke. No
record company indicated unless that is it. They seem
to be a series of nature talks, which strikes me as
rather odd, were they intended for the radio or for
some sort of educational program? Has anyone ever
heard of him? Or know anything about the purpose of
the records? 

I am not sure yet how many different talks were
recorded but these are a few of the titles:
Toads, Hummingbirds, Robins, A Fossil Story,
Spirituals, Alecran.

I have about 25 of these discs but there seems to be

I am curious to see if anyone else is familiar with
these, or others like them. I collect a lot of spoken
word, but it tends to be humor or a speech by an
important person.

Any suggestions?

Dr. Cheryl Thurber email: cthurb@xxxxxxxxx
Cornucopia, ABC (Antiques, Books, Consulting...Photography) additional email: cornucopiaabc@xxxxxxxxx 

P.O. Box 9447, Baltimore, MD 21228-0447
new phone number effective Sept 7. 410-744-3713
Old phone number: 301-776-2701

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