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FW: [MLA-L] question re: damaged LP


I am forwarding this on behalf of the inquirer below.  Please respond to:

Cox, Elizabeth [Cox@xxxxxxxxxxxx]


Donna R. Campbell
Library Catalog Specialist III
Cook Music Library
Civility is insufficient for salvation--Thomas Watson

-----Original Message-----
From: Cox, Elizabeth [mailto:Cox@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 10:27 AM
To: MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MLA-L] question re: damaged LP

Hi, folks.  I have a question from one of our faculty that I cannot
answer, so I turn to you.  She has a personally valuable LP that appears
to be damaged in some way.  It appears to have a strip of something on
it that at first glance looks like a scratch.  It runs from the middle
to the outside, perpendicular to the grooves.  It is grayish in color.
Because the LP is valuable to her, she is reluctant to try anything
without first finding out what it is.  Any suggestions?

Thank you very much in advance!
-- Beth

Elizabeth J. Cox
Listening Room Supervisor
Grinnell College Libraries
Grinnell, IA 50112-1690

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