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List Information

Greetings all;

Its been a while since this list was established.  Every now and then, I send out the list information just to remind everyone about protocol and features such as the archives.  So here is the information, just FYI.  Esther.

Recorded Sound Listserv


ARSC-L is an unmoderated mail reflector to facilitate the exchange of information on sound archives and promote communication among those interested in preserving, documenting, and making accessible the history of recorded sound. The list is sponsored by the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) as a service to the archival community. Messages posted to this list do not represent the opinions of ARSC, the board of ARSC, the list owners or the host institution.


Only subscribers may post to the list. Topics appropriate for discussion may include discussion about recorded sound research, history, innovations, preservation, archiving, copyrights and access and announcements about ARSC activities and publications. Other listservs may be more appropriate forums for subjective discussions of particular recordings or artists, restoration of antique equipment, buying and selling recordings and the collecting of ephemera. Copyright of individual posting is owned by the author of the posting and permission to retransmit or publish a post must be secured from the author of the post.

Host Institution

Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester hosts the list. They will provide the server, disk space, network connections, software and technical support to set up and run the list. Esther Gillie, Sound Recording Archivist for Eastman School of Music, will coordinate and take care of the day to day management of the list serv, assisted by Larry Appelbaum of the Library of Congress and David Seubert of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Prohibited Activities

Flaming, and personal attacks are not appropriate to this list. Such behavior will result in being removed from the list at the discretion of the listowner. Spamming and commercial advertising is also inappropriate and will not be tolerated and can result in removal from the list. Personal messages, subscription requests and other business should be sent to the appropriate address and not posted to the list.

Policy on Mime attachments

For the consideration of users with systems of varying sophistication it is strongly encouraged to include the text of any attachments within the body of an email message or to post files to a web site and post the URL.
Subscriber Information

Welcome to the ARSC-L (Association for Recorded Sound Collections) List!

Please save this message for future reference.

To Subscribe/Unsubscribe:

To subscribe send an e-mail to


Leave the "Subject:"  blank. In the first line of the body
of the message, type in:

        subscribe arsclist 

Then, send the message normally.  In a few minutes, you will get an
automated reply back from majordomo with a code to authenticate your
subscription request. Follow the directions in the message
properly and send back the authorization command in a second e-mail to

You will then be subscribed to the list

To unsubscribe from the list, use the same procedure as above, but just
type in:

        unsubscribe arsclist

in the body of the message and send the message normally.  You will
then get an automated message returned to you saying you have been

To send messages to the list:

Only subscribers may send mail to the list. Subscribers may send an e-mail message to:


Your messages will be sent to everyone subscribed to the list. Remember, messages that are not of general interest to the entire list may be more appropriate to send as a personal message to cut down on list traffic.

To look at the list archives:

The archives are stored in monthly increments. To access the files, send a message to


with the following in the body of the message:

get arsclist arsclist.yymm

where yy equals the last two digits of the year (99 or 00) and mm equals the number of the month. For example, arsclist.9910 would be October of 1999. Please note that the word arsclist is used twice; once for the name of the listserv and once for the name of the archived file.  Remember to delete any signature file that you may normally use.

Esther Gillie, Sound Recording Archivist                Phone: 716-274-1330
Eastman Audio Archive                           Fax: 716-274-1088
Eastman School of Music,  Sibley Music Library  esth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
27 Gibbs Street, Rochester, NY 14604

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