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RE: on-going discussion on archiving issues

 I hope you guys aren't tired of this thread yet....

Thank you, Anthony, you've given me a lot to work with, I'll need to think it through some more, esp. the part about video capture and storage to hard disk, since our budget is so limited right now.  Maybe we can get a grant for that soon, though
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] i bought a pc based system with a good quality video card (to 50Mbps),dvdreader, a dvdr and cdr burner, cheap authoring software for dvd-video, some adobe siftware for editing and stills, and realvideo software. This cost 25000dollars a year ago in europe.
 .  What would be wrong with burning DVD's directly from our old VHS, Beta, HI-8, and now, Digital-8 (non-professional quality equipment) masters?  I mean as soon as DVD burner technology gets more affordable, and more standardized, say in the next three years or so?
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] Nothing. Decide whether you are going to make DVD-videos, for playing on any domestic DVD video player, and/or DVD ROM storing higher bit rate and therefore better quality video. I would guess that your DV recordings will come out well on DVD-video, as will probably VHS and HI8: for beta (SP?) you might need to do some tests.
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] The BBC at JITS2000 talked about their tests for transferring their UMATIC archive to DVDROM. They made tests at different bit rates on a selection of critical material, and then examined the images in freeze frame for any blocking or other artefacts. This is a good pragmatic way of doing things, if not entirely rigorous. Choose imageswhich are a bit noisy, shot in low light, with plenty of movement.
I guess video capture might be worth the investment in proper computer and capture equipment in the meantime, is that right?  And then it would be all the easier to transfer the computer .mpeg2 or whatever files to burned DVD's? 
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] Yes.
We don't intend any web access outside the Caddo tribe to our audio and video, so it's not the same issue as say the Library of Congress here in the US with their Folkways collection all or much of which is made web-accessible.
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] Understood
We just want these audio and video recordings to be accessible by members present, and, importantly, future of the Caddo Tribe.  I'm with you, I've accepted the reality that vault storage without maintenance would be disastrous, a fairy tale.  I don't buy the simulated aging tests by CDR companies.  I see the need to migrate every five to ten years.
And maybe to buy a CD tester in the meantime to monitor digital deterioration. 
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] Do they exist?
I guess it would also be best to capture all audio from first gen. CD or DAT directly to computer hard drive, and have that be one archival copy.
We already have two CDR copies of everything stored in separate location, one silver dye, one gold, but I am considering doing only gold from now on, based on what others on these lists have said about relative longevities of the two, and particular problems with silver discs forming silver sulfates or something due to sulphur contents in the atmosphere all over the world.on our watch [if we can help it!]'.
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] Once again JITS covered this in some detail. I can forward some documentation if you wish.
One point they made was to chose the CDR disc and the recorder together: disc A in recorder X, and disc Y in recorder B may well give excellant jitter and error rates, whereas disc A in recorder Yand disc B in recorder X may give unacceptable results - it is difficult to condemn either the discs or the recorders in isloation.
They also made the point that CDR is a domestic format and that this may well lower the quality control and manufacturing standards of the project: thus your choice of good quality discs from reputable manufacturers is good. I am not an expert in the different types of CDR - I am sure you know more than me.

Also interesting what you say about not 'going backward' and making analog copies of everything, despite the possible lack of CD players in say fifty to 150 years from now.  Esp. given, as you say, how expensive professional modern analog reel to reel recorders and the like would be.  I know others feel differently on this issue, in the end it's also a matter of man-hours, we just don't have the staff to do every possible backup strategy, so we have to choose carefully amongst all the options.  Migrating seems the safest, though it pre-supposes people after we die will still care enough to keep the process going, on that we are banking.  And, as one linguist friend in Calif. said, 'we're not going to let these precious language and cultural material die on our watch [if we can help it!]'.
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] A management and financing problem as much as a technical one. You have to make the choices you feel are justified. We say here if you have 5 experts there are always 6 'best' solutions.
I too enjoy these interchanges: what did we ever do without email?
For me it is an opportunity to apply my ideas.
[GARDNER Anthony (PRESS)] Good luck with your project.

I really appreciate you help.

                  Brian Levy

I really appreciate you help.

                  Brian Levy

Brian Levy
Cultural Activist
Kiwat Hasinay Foundation:
Preserving Caddo Heritage
211 W. Colorado Ave.
Anadarko, OK  73005  USA
(1) 405-247-5840


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