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[Graeme Jaye <gjaye@retemail.es>]

Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 00:50:22 +0200
From: Graeme Jaye <gjaye@xxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.44) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Reply-To: Graeme Jaye <gjaye@xxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <11815357380.20000704005022@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Krynski@xxxxxxx
CC: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: arsclist CD question
In-reply-To: <bc.7553b35.26924d38@xxxxxxx>
References: <bc.7553b35.26924d38@xxxxxxx>
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Hi Sheila
Kac> We are burning CDs from old audio cassettes and have found that a small 
Kac> number of the CDs will play on only some computers but not all. Can
you help 
Kac> us understand this? And, possibly suggest if there is a way to insure
the new 
Kac> CDs will be playable on all machines?

Rather than go through the whole thing here, might I suggest  you have
a look at the following website.  Mike Richter has answered just about
every question you could ever think of (and a few you wouldn't) about
CD's in general and CDR's.


Graeme Jaye


Audio Restoration and CD Repair

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