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Re: arsclist Cactus Needles

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Michael Biel wrote:

> There are a number of us who are working on these discs and this
> company.  Nicholas Bergh out in California has come up with a lot of
> very interesting paperwork, and this has helped us trace the public
> use of this company's discs and recorders back as far as November
> 1928 in a set-up at a St. Louis department store.  Thru the mid-30s
> Speak-O-Phone emphasized the leasing of equipment to stores and
> repairmen to set up franchised recording studios, although they did
> sell a machine to Columbia University's English dept in early 1929.  

My first encounter with Speak-o-phone happened about a month ago when one
of our donors had a few. According to the paper label there was a
Speakophone recording studio in Austin Texas in 1929.

As Michael Biel pointed out, I have found that my Stanton, with the
needle in the groove, does a good job.


Karl Miller
UT @ Austin

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