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Re: arsclist Optical Reading System for Wax Cylinders

Back in January David Julian Gray posted a url [on the audio preservation
list] for a process that uses a laser to map the grove information in the
digital domain as topographical data, and then convert that into sound
minus the noise.  That was in the context of a thread about the ELPrecord
player but I think the site showed the application in use on cylinders.

the url he gave was http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-56154/phono/petrov.html
which seems to have moved to the following:  

David Ackerman
Audio Preservation Engineer
Archive World Music
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

Telephone: 617-495-2794
Fax: 617-496-4636
e-mail: dackerm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Jennifer A. Cutting wrote:

> Folks, 
> 	Do any of you have any contact information for people using
> an optical reading system for transfer of cylinder recordings?
> 	We have a collection of Dictaphone cylinders dating from 1928-1935
> for which we wish to make new transfers, and I would like to gather as
> much information as possible on any newer technological options before
> deciding to go with our traditional methods.
> 	Any leads or contact info, however brief, would be so much
> appreciated.
> Thanks, 
> Jennifer
> ==============================================
>              Jennifer Cutting
>        Folklife Specialist (Reference)
>            Archive of Folk Culture
> American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
>    email: jcut@xxxxxxx  tel: (202) 707-1731
>         http://lcweb.loc.gov/folklife/
> ==============================================

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