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Re: Turntables

Peter Kiefer wrote:

> Help! Our Gates 16" transcription turntable, age about 50yrs is giving up.
> FIRST -does anyone know if they are replacement parts (such as rubber
> gromments for the motor mount) available for Gates equipment?
It is unlikely that Gates made their own rubber mounts... they probably
bought them from LORD or a similar manufacturer.  These items would
probably still be available from someone who did small motor repairs and
such... at least they could likely steer you to a source.  The rubber
drive pucks are another story... you would probably need to have them
re-rubbered, and I believe Projector Recorder Belt Corp in Whitewater
Wisconsin offers a re-build service.  Try them at 1-800-558-9572. 
> SECOND- any recommendations as to what to buy as a replacement?
Look on my website SOURCES and LINKS pages for suppliers of new
turntables.  They generally come as a package with arm cartridge and
such.  Some will play up to 16" transcriptions and work well for that
purpose, and it is probably time to retire the Gates turntable to the

BTW:  When you are ready to get a Keith Monks Record Cleaning Machine to
keep all those transcriptions clean and spotless, call me, or look at
the MONKS page on my website!

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to phonograph and tape
recordings for consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR processes.

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