Stacks Management: Shelf Maintenance Procedures

Patricia Palmer
Preservation Department, Virginia Commonwealth University
July 1992

1. General

1.1 Definition. Shelf Maintenance is the method used to clean books and set them properly on the shelves.

1.2 Nomenclature. Individual books are arranged on large shelving units called ranges. Ranges are generally double-sided except when located along a wall. Ranges are made up of sections, defined as one side of an individual unit on which individual shelves are stacked six or seven high. Sections can be identified by the wide brace with the openings for shelf pieces.

1.3 Time to devote. Shelf maintenance is done each work day. Student assistants should spend one hour doing shelf maintenance for every four hours worked; additional shelf maintenance responsibilities may be assigned as needed. Generally, it takes 20 minutes to do one section.

1.4 Coordinator. The Stacks Supervisor has responsibility for overall coordination of the shelf maintenance effort. The Supervisor assigns priority areas, confirms that the Log is completed properly, and ensures that the work is done well and efficiently.

1.5 Supplies. The following supplies are kept on hand in the Preservation Department supply cabinet. While we do a monthly inventory, it is your responsibility to inform the Stacks Supervisor if the supplies are low or depleted. You may use any or all supplies as preferred and available.

Necessary for all:


2. Preliminary Tasks

2.1 Assess priority areas. The air handling system in most buildings flows in an upward direction from the central processing unit, thus defining the work flow from the lower floors upward. Other criteria to consider in determining priority areas include need and high use.

2.2 Sign in on the Shelf Maintenance Log, entering the information requested when starting. The starting call number should be the ending call number where the last person left off.

2.2.1 If, according to the Log, someone is already in the stacks dusting, select an appropriate call number from another area on the same floor and record it.

2.2.2 Alternatively, you may seek out the other person(s) in the stacks and work as a team. Up to three persons can work effectively together. One person can stay with the book truck helping to take books off the shelf, dust them, and help reshelve them while the others work on the shelves. DO NOT LEAVE GAPS WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED!

2.3 Put supplies on second shelf of the book truck.

2.4 Tidy the section.

2.4.1 Walk along the aisles within the area you plan to clean and pick up any unshelved books. Reshelve all books that belong in the section. Return all other books to the reshelving area.

2.4.2 Make sure books are standing straight and no books are upside down or lying behind other books on the shelves. If a book is too tall to be shelved upright, set it aside with a note for review by the Stacks Manager. The Stacks Manager checks the bibliographic record to determine if it is cataloged as Oversize. If the book is cataloged as Oversize, it is to be sent to the Miscellaneous Marking shelf in Binding with a flag indicating that it is to be labelled Oversize. If the book has not been cataloged as Oversize, it is to be routed to Cataloging for classification as Oversize.

2.4.3 Remove books which are visibly in need of repair. Set them aside for review by the Stacks Manager.

2.4.4 If book boxes are in the section, check to make sure the correct book is inside.

2.4.5 Straighten all books on the shelves, adjusting bookends as needed to keep books upright and snug, but not too tight.

3. Shelf Maintenance Procedures

3.1 Work from top shelf of section to the bottom, and from left to right, following the call number or alphabetical order.

3.2 If using the dust buff or an untreated dust cloth, spray it generously with Endust. Make sure the spray is directed downward, away from the books. Spray close to the object and directly on it.

3.3 Take all books off the shelf starting at the left. Grip the books at mid-spine and lift up so as not to disturb any dust on the shelf. Place books upright on the book truck if possible, using bookends. Books will be easier to return to the shelf if they are placed right to left on the book truck. It is acceptable to place books flat if working alone.

3.4 With books upright and tightly placed between bookends, first dust the top edges. Do not apply pressure, for this may force dust particles into the textblock. Then, with an upward motion, dust the foredges.

3.5 Dust the shelf starting with the front edge. Angle the dust buff, or position the cloth, so that dust does not fall off the front edge. Then do the back edge the same way. Then wipe down the middle. Turn the dust buff, or the cloth, to a clean part for an overall wipe.

3.6 Return books to the shelf, making sure the classification order is followed. Books will be placed upright with the spines lined up with the front edge of the shelf. Adjust bookends as needed to keep books shelved snugly but not too tightly.

4. Final Tasks

4.1 Sign out on the Shelf Maintenance Log, entering the end call number and the end time.

4.2 Put reusable supplies back in the cabinet where the Log is kept.

4.3 If the dust cloths are completely full of dust, put in the plastic bag labelled "Dirty Dust Cloths". Report any low or depleted supplies.

                       SHELF MAINTENANCE LOG

Priority Area: _____________________       Month  _______________

                              START     START       END         END
NAME               DATE       TIME      CALL#       CALL#       TIME

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