The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course:Laboratory Techniques II
Date Offered:Winter Semester, 1998
Location:Peterborough, Ont. Canada
Instructor:Miriam Harris
Institution:Sir Sandford Fleming College


Laboratory Techniques II provides an opportunity to develop practical skills in the assessment and treatment of organic materials, including wood, leather, skin, fur, and other collagenous and proteinaceous materials. A variety of object types, such as furniture, mixed media and ethnographic artifacts are presented. Special emphasis is placed on ethical awareness in conservation, and safe use and maintenance of laboratory tools. Competencies in written, drawn, and photographic documentation are developed.

Aim and Learning Outcomes
To enable students to identify, assess, and treat wood, leather, and proteinaceous materials in a laboratory setting.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course students will have demonstrated the ability to:
work within recognized codes of ethics
recognize personal limitations
organize, clean and fnaintain work space, tools and equipment
select and use correct tools and equipment for the treatmenV stabilization of wood and leather objects
demonstrate safe work practices
observe wood and leather objects in detail
identify the composition of wood and leather objects using a variety of methods
recognize causes of deterioration for wood and leather objects
assess the condition of objects and propose their future use and environmental needs
understand the concept of object integrity
research treatment options (through consultation, and the use of primary and secondary resources).
select appropriate materials, methods of treatment and techniques for the conservation of wood and leather objects
select and test methods of least intervention
select reversible or removable treatments, where possible
plan treatment schedules and meet deadlines
demonstrate economical use of resources
document all stages of the assessment and treatment process for wood and leather objects, based on the use of standard terminology, drawings, photo-documentation, condition reports and treatment reports
prepare wood and feather objects for clearing
make recommendations for the cleaning, stabilization, and support, repair and maintenance of objects, surfaces, and buildings
make recommendations for the restoration and maintenance of the flexibility of leather objects
use fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination, and colour matching
distinguish between conservation and restoration

Course Format
This course is one of four courses listed in the "Sl per module" of Conservation and Material Science II. Courses in this frame work are linked tightly together, and are foundation courses for the programme.
This course will consist of 6 hours of scheduled laboratory per week. Laboratory time maybe subject to occasional rescheduling in order to fit in with field trips, community based projects, group projects, or guest lectures and/or workshops. Students are asked to remain flexible during the delivery of the course content.
Additional time outside of scheduled class will be required for independent study and the completion of artifact treatments.

Course Resources
Students will be required to purchase: an assortment of tools (the list of tools was issued in semester 1), and colour slide film.
The Conservation Laboratory will be available for student use most evenings and weekends, after students have participated in the approved WHMIS and First Aid Training.

Course Content

Week #1
Jan. 5-9
Introduction to Course
Review of Laboratory Techniques I
Assignment of Wood-working Project
Week #2
Jan. 12-16
Woodworking project - Review of documentation
Week #3
Jan. 19-23
Woodworking Projects
Documentation & begin treatment of Wooden Artifacts
Week #4
Jan. 26-30
Woodworking Project Due Value: 10%
Treat Wooden Artifacts
Assignment of Laboratory Project: Lab
Maintenance & Enhancement
Week #5
Feb. 2-6
Treatment of Wooden Artifacts
Lab Project
Week #6
Feb. 9-13
Treatment of Wooden Artifacts
Final Documentation of Wooden Artifacts
Week #7
Feb. 16-20
Wooden Artifacts and Documentation Due
Value of Artifact: 20%
Value of Documentation: 10%
Assignment & Documentation of Leather Artifacts
Week #8
Feb. 23-27
Independent Study Week
Week #9
Mar. 2-6
Documentation & Treatment of Leather Artifacts
Week #10
Mar. 9-13
Treatment of Leather Artifacts
Week #11
Mar. 16-20
Treatment of Leather Artifacts
Week # 12
Mar. 23-27
Lab Project Due Value: 30%
Week #13
Mar. 30 - Apr. 3
Treatment of Leather Artifacts
Final Documentation of Leather Artifacts
Week #14
Apr. 6-10
Leather Artifacts and Documentation Due
Value of Artifact: 20%
Value of Documentation: 10%
Good Friday
Week #15
Apr. 13-17
* Performance Reviews
Laboratory Clean Up

Performance reviews will be based on continual assessment throughout the semester. Each student will be assessed on an individual basis

Evaluation Criteria:
The following criteria will be used to evaluate each student's performance: standard and quality of practical work, efficient use of scheduled laboratory time, neatness, economical use of materials, initiative, dedication, and interest. Criteria for assessment will vary depending on the material composition of objects and the condition of the objects.

AssignmentValue in PercentDate Due
Wood working project10%Jan 29
Wood Artifact20%Feb 19
Documentation of Wood Artifact10%Feb 19
Laboratory Project30%March 26
Leather Artifact20%April 10
Documentation of Leather Artifact10%April-10

Mandatory Requirements
  1. The Art Conservation Laboratory is to be locked at all times, when NOT in use. Failure to lock the lab will result in the loss of unscheduled access.
  2. Students will work in the laboratory with at least one other person (de: the "buddy system.).
  3. Eating, drinking and smoking art3 not permitted in the laboratory.
  4. Students will not be allowed access to the laboratory under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  6. Artifacts and course supplies will not be permitted to leave the laboratory.
  7. It is the students' responsibility to label and identify any personal equipment or related belongings.
  8. Students are required to store personal belongings such as costs, boots, etc in their lockers.
  9. Students will respect all artifacts and projects - thereby not handling any treatments in progress, other than their own, unless given permission to do so.
  10. Students are not permitted to use personal property as projects to be evaluated.
  11. Students will record unscheduled time spent in the laboratory in the "lab log".

Course Policies
Projects will be evaluated upon the successful completion of the artifact treatment, and when all written and photographic documentation is submitted. Failure to provide all necessary documentation will jeopardize the evaluation process. Students must complete all course assignments in order to receive a passing grade.
Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day. The instructor reserves the right to remove artifacts from students if a treatment is not progressing consistently; a grade of zero will be given. The CCM Programme has adopted the attached policy on late assignments. Exceptions may be granted due to circumstances beyond the student's control, provided that the student contacts the instructor promptly upon return to the College to discuss alternate arrangements.

Canadian Conservation Institute. C.C.I. Notes. Ottawa: Department of Communications
Cronyn, J.M. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation. London: Routledge; 1990
Hoadley, B. Understandinq Wood: A Craftsman's Guide to Wood Technology. Connecticut: The Taunton Press. 1990
Rossol, M. The Artist's Complete Health and Safety Guide. New York: Allworth Press. 1994
Science for Conservators Series. London: Crafts Council. 1992
Book 1 - Introduction to Materials
Book 2 - Cleaning
Book 3 - Adhesives and Coatings
Additional reading materials will be assigned throughout the course.

Material Science I (1380202)
Laboratory Methods 1 (1380207)
Laboratory Techniques I (1 380210)
History of Technology I (1380213)

Academic Policies
1. Presentation
Written assignments must be:
typed or word-processed
double spaced
proofed for spelling and grammatical errors
enclosed with a single cover sheet which includes student name, title of the assignment and date of submission
stapled in the top left hand corner (unbound)
include a bibliography (where appropriate)
use a recognized method of citation (eg. MLA or Chicago)
2. Re-writes
Faculty may request a re-write of a submission if the criteria for assessment have not been met.
Late penalties will apply if the assignment is not re-submitted the following day.
3. Penalties for Late Submissions
Completion of Term Work
All assignments must be completed in order for students to achieve a passing grade.
Late Assignments
Late assignments receive the following penalty:
Marks will be deducted at the rate of 10% per day for three days after which assignments are marked at zero.
Faculty are not obliged to provide feedback on assignments marked at zero.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations and/or practical test or projects for evaluation must be delivered on the day scheduled. A "no show" will be graded at zero, unless adequate explanation is provided.
4. Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity and the college has a strict policy on this issue (see Academic Regulations).
It is a student's responsibility to ensure that all written submissions include an appropriate method of in text citation as well as an accompanying bibliography.
Seminar and oral presentations should be supported by a bibliography and sources should be referred to during the presentation.
5. Make-up Tests
In valid circumstances (ill-health, personal crisis), a student may0 be given a make-up test to compensate for one missed in class-time. Students must contact the instructor within seven days of the original test in order to request a make-up.
6. Extensions & GDFS
An extension may be granted to an individual student based on need and circumstance. Medical grounds should be substantiated.
The revised due date will be recorded and signed by both parties.
The entire class may be given an extension, at the discretion of faculty.
Incomplete a Grade Deferred marks at the end of the semester must be negotiated between student and faculty (see Academic Regulations). Note: these are a privilege to be granted under special circumstances, not used in order to compensate for poor planning.
7. Site Work
Students must agree to work within the parameters of the guidelines established for site work. Failure to comply, may result in the termination of project and suspension of the privilege of access.

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