The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Analysis, Recording, and Conservation of Rock Paintings and Petroglyphs
Date offered TBA
Location TBA
Instructor Ian Wainwright
Institution Canadian Conservation Institute

Course Outline


This seminar will introduce participants to the deterioration of rock art sites by natural weathering and visitor impact, photographic recording methods, conservation of rock paintings and petroglyphs, and rock art site management.


Through slide and lecture presentations, videos, and guided discussion, participants will learn about rock art and its conservation in Canada and other countries; physical and chemical analysis of the structure and materials of rock paintings and petroglyphs; agents of deterioration such as frost, algae, lichens, and vandalism; photographic and stereophotogrammetric recording of rock paintings and petroglyphs, and the application of digital image processing; rock art dating methods; graffiti treatment; site management principles and practice; and the available bibliography of rock art conservation literature. The seminar can be given as a lecture forum and discussion session for larger groups or as a more informal presentation for smaller groups with a field trip to a rock painting or petroglyph site to consider recording and conservation strategies. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experience and knowledge in rock art and its conservation.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this seminar, participants will be able to:

Target Audience

Authorities responsible for rock art sites such as cultural resource managers or park interpreters, archaeologists, archaeological conservators, curators, site administrators, and faculty and students of anthropology, archaeology, museum studies, or material culture studies

Note: This seminar can be modified to suit the interests of a more general audience.

Attendance Open, depending upon requirements
Duration 1--2 days
Instructor(s) Ian Wainwright

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