The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Management Practices 3
Date offered Fall 1998
Location Ontario, CA
Instructor Gayle McIntyre
Institution Sir Sandford Fleming College


Course Outline

Course Number: 1250065

Fall Semester, 1998 Sir Sandford Fleming College

Collections Conservation and Management Program

Community Development & Health

Semester III

Course Format: Lecture, Seminar, Self Directed Study, Group Work

Hours: 1 of Contact/Week

Students will meet regularly outside of class time

Faculty: Gayle McIntyre, Office # 371E
Office Hours: As Posted
e-mail address:

Vocational Outcomes:

This course has been designed to comply with standards and ethics as prescribed by C.A.C., formerly known as I.I.C.-C.G., C.A.P.C. and I.C.O.M. Committee for Professional Museum Training.

Generic Skills Outcomes:

Vocation and Training Program Standards:


1. Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

2. Reframe information, ideas and concepts using the narrative, visual, numerical and symbolic representations which demonstrate understanding.

3. Represent her or his skills, knowledge and experiences realistically for personal and employment purposes.

Computer Literacy:

4. Use a variety of computer hardware and software and other technological tools appropriate and necessary to the performance of tasks.

Interpersonal Skills:

5. Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.

6. Manage use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project related goals.

7. Take responsibility for her or his own actions and decisions.

Analytical Skills:

8. Evaluate his or her own thinking throughout the steps and processes used in problem solving and decision making.

6. Collect, analyze and organize relevant and necessary information from a variety of sources.

7. Evaluate the validity of arguments based on qualitative and quantitative information in order to accept or challenge the findings of others.

8. Create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs.

9. Adapt to new situations and demands by applying and/or updating her or his knowledge and skills.

General Education Goal Area: N/A

Course Description:

This course is composed of two applied projects: Applied Project I and Applied Project II. Each project is to be completed in teams, with a seven week period. Project II builds on skills developed in Project I, and focuses on the application of more complex management and planning tools. Project components are designed as an opportunity to synthesize and apply knowledge and skills developed during the program, in the context of a real, rather than simulated, environment and with direct benefits to the community. Projects are self-directed, with faculty guidance and support.

Corequisites: 1250064

Prerequisites: 1250063


To enable students to manage a small, community based, applied project in preservation management, and to manage a project for an external museum/heritage client in order to meet specific assessment and planning needs.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the learner has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1. manage team work and process

2. work with individual, institutional or corporate clients

3. synthesize learning from the core curriculum in an applied context

4. manage a project with a specific budget, resources and time line

5. develop a methodology for implementation

6. complete a formal needs assessment

7. analyze data

8. make recommendations or propose solutions to the problem

9. write and present a formal report


This course is scheduled as one hour of contact time with faculty per week. Students are asked to remain flexible during the delivery of this course. The course will be presented through a variety of delivery techniques including: lecture, seminar, independent site visits as necessary, self directed learning, practicum, individual and group tutoring.

The course is divided into two components: Applied Project I and Applied Project II. Students will be participating in the preparation/development of a Community Based or Program Based Project. Students will be directly involved in the: preparation of the course outline; selection of the project(s); the development of project goals; the development of time lines and due dates; gathering necessary resources; conducting research; the implementation of project tasks (follow through), the quality and appearance of the final project; coordinating meetings with project partners; and project evaluation and assessment.

Additional meetings and appointments for contact and consultation will be scheduled as necessary. Students will take an active part in the meetings and debriefing sessions. One overall Project Team Leader should be appointed by the group. Sub committees may be formed, complete with chair people or team leaders, recording secretaries, and/or other support type positions.

It is hoped that the final result will be a useful product. Students must realize that when working with community partners, there are bound to be scheduling conflicts, and sensitive issues. Students must behave in an appropriate and professional fashion. In some cases you may be privy to otherwise confidential information. Exercise caution in your dealings with our community partners. Please remain patient and flexible as stress is everywhere!

Proposed Projects:

Completion of the Regional Disaster Plan for the Cultural Institutions in the Peterborough Area (revisions, edits, final formatting and dissemination of the information with the community partners).

Completion and Modification of the Portable Exhibit featuring the Arts and Heritage Cluster of Fleming College (revisions and repairs are required. In addition, students could build upon the initial project to develop a promotional brochure and enhance the Web Pages for the Programs).

Other topics will be discussed through student participation in class.

Learning Sequence:



Topic, resources, learning activities Learning Outcome Assessment

The section outlined above will be negotiated by the class and will depend on the project selected.

* All of the learning outcomes listed are incorporated in the assessment of the final product. The learning outcomes and learning activities in this course will be realized through successful completion of the project related tasks which will in turn support the success of the final product.

Learning Resources:

Depending on the project, collections of related resource files will be made available to students. Students are requested to treat borrowed references with respect, and to share resources accordingly. Students are strongly encouraged to begin collecting literature for their personal reference libraries. Any related material will be gratefully appreciated by the program.

Assessment Plan:

Generic skills, as outlined above, are embedded in the assessment.

It is the responsibility of each student to manage the equitable distribution of tasks and activities within the team.

Proposed Assessment Plan:

Students will be assessed using the following criteria:

Part A:

Communication, Team Work and Participation (assessment on going through out the project, attendance will be considered) 10%
Student Self Assessment (based on assessment of individual performance and must reflect honest, accurate evaluations of student's individual commitment to projects) 10%
Peer Assessment (students will assess each other's commitment to the project and level of performance. These evaluations will be anonymous, and will be submitted to faculty to be calculated into the final grade) 10%

Students will participate in the development of the criteria for the assessments outlined above.

Part B:

Assessment Details for the Actual Project:

To be determined and set up by the class as part of the course.

PLA options and contract for this course:

PLA options will be negotiated with Gayle McIntyre.

Academic Responsibilities:

Course Policies

Collections Conservation & Management

1. Presentation

Written assignments must be:

2. Re-writes

Faculty may request a re-write of a submission if the criteria for assessment have not been met. Late penalties will apply if the assignment is not re-submitted the following day.

3. Penalties for Late Submissions

Completion of Term Work

Late Assignments

Late assignments receive the following penalty:

Oral Presentations

4. Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity and the college has a strict policy on this issue (see Academic Regulations).

5. Make-up Tests

In valid circumstances (ill-health, personal crisis), a student may be given a make-up test to compensate for one missed in class-time. Students must contact the instructor within seven days of the original test in order to request a make-up.

6. Extensions & GDFS

7. Site Work

Students must agree to work within the parameters of the guidelines established for site work. Failure to comply, may result in the termination of project and suspension of the privilege of access.

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