The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Management Practices 2: Small Business Management and Career Planning
Date offered Fall 1998
Location Ontario, CA
Instructor Gayle McIntyre, Carey McMaster
Institution Sir Sandford Fleming College


Course Outline

Course Number: 1250064

Fall Semester, 1998 Sir Sandford Fleming College

Collections Conservation and Management Program

Semester III

Centre for Community Development & Health

Course Format: Lectures, Workshops, Site Visits,

Hours: 2 hours per week

Self Directed Study, see additional details below.

Faculty: Gayle McIntyre, Office # 371 E

Carey McMaster, Office # 371 B Office Hours: As Posted

e-mail address: (Carey)

Vocational Outcomes:

This course has been designed to comply with professional standards and ethics for practice as prescribed by I.I.C.-C.G. (C.A.C.), C.A.P.C., and I.C.O.M. committee for Professional Museum Training.

Generic Skills Outcomes:

As per Ministry of Education and Training Program Standards:

Math Skills:

Apply a wide variety of mathematical techniques with the degree of accuracy required to solve problems and make decisions.


1. Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

2. Represent her or his skills, knowledge and experiences realistically for personal and employment purposes.

Computer Literacy:

3. Use a variety of computer hardware and software and other technological tools appropriate and necessary to the performance of tasks.

Interpersonal Skills:

4. Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.

5. Manage use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project related goals.

6. Take responsibility for his or her own actions and decisions.

Analytical Skills:

7. Evaluate his or her own thinking throughout the steps and processes used in problem solving and decision making.

8. Collect, analyze and organize relevant and necessary information from a variety of sources.

9. Create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs.

10. Adapt to new situations and demands by applying and/or updating her or his knowledge and skills.

General Education Goal Area: N/A

Course Description:

This course introduces the basic framework required to establish and operate a business. Topics include the process and responsibilities of incorporation; developing a business plan and defining marketing services; the process of responding to requests for proposal; proposal writing and tendering; drafting and interpreting contracts and the principles of contract law; costing and financial management issues; and professional development.

A component on career orientation and internship planning has been incorporated in a workshop format to assist with the planning and preparation of the internship. Self-assessment, career planning, job search, resource identification, and future PD proposals are discussed.

Corequisites: N/A

Prerequisites: 1250063


To enable students to develop realistic plans for professional and career development in the short and long term.

To enable students to establish and operate a private practice in conservation and preservation management.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the learner has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

Part A:

Internship Planning

1. complete a self-assessment of personal strengths and weakness, resources and constraints

2. complete a performance review with faculty

3. develop a career plan outlining short and long term goals, PD requirements, etc., with a special emphasis on the school to work transition

4. prepare an effective and honest resume using a standard format

5. up-date resumes as necessary

6. plan and negotiate an internship (site identification, liaison, negotiation, etc.)

7. research suitable sites, which are congruent to personal needs, resources and learning goals of the student

8. complete the internship selection process

9. negotiate and complete confirmation of the internship and pertinent related paperwork, i.e., Work Place Agreement Forms, WCB forms, other insurance forms, international documentation, etc.

10. negotiate and prepare a preliminary draft learning contract or work plan, in conjunction with the host site, for the fourth semester internship

11. examine research methods and explore possible topics for the final research project (to be completed during the actual internship)

12. plan and prepare for the completion of the student portfolio (to be submitted during the internship)

13. apply job search skills

Part B:

Private Practice and Small Business Management:

14. understand the process of incorporation (process, legal responsibilities, benefits)

15. understand market needs and trends

16. know sources for advice and support for small business development

17. develop a business and marketing plan for a small operation

18. develop and maintain rapport with clients

19. recognize professional limitations

20. design a safe lab space for the home/studio environment

21. maintain a professional work environment

22. understand key principles of contract law

23. understand principles for insurance coverage for liability

24. analyze and write simple contracts

25. understand the principles of consulting (practical, legal, and ethical issues)

26. develop proposals and budgets in response to RFPs)

27. cost and purchase equipment and supplies

28. maintain ethical practice in dealing with clients

29. know how to work with banks and banking systems (loans, account types, etc.)

30. demonstrate basic book keeping skills

31. organize and maintain business records

32. understand the principles of taxation as applied to the self-employed

33. assess and select benefits packages


Copies of all internship related correspondence must be filed with the faculty member, for monitoring purposes.

The internships are scheduled during the fourth semester of the programme, with a start date of the first week of January 1999. Extenuating circumstances with regard to this date, may be assessed on an individual basis. Delays in the start of the internship may compromise graduation, and the college's ability to provide consistent supervision.

The internship requires relocation, and students must be prepared to be self supporting during this semester. Students must register with the college and tuition fees are paid for the fourth semester internship. Every reasonable attempt is made to fit students to appropriate sites. Satisfactory completion of the internship in a prerequisite for graduation.

Course Format:

This course is scheduled as two hours of contact per week. The course is team taught by Carey McMaster and Gayle McIntyre. Students are asked to remain flexible during the delivery of this course. This course will be presented through a variety of delivery techniques including: special workshops, field trips, independent site visits (students are strongly encouraged to meet with potential internship sites and supervisors), independent learning, and individual appointments with the faculty supervisors. Special workshops and individual appointments will be posted.

Ten hours of this course are devoted to Internship Planning. Twenty hours of this course are devoted to Small Business Management.

Course Resources:

The Collections Conservation and Management Programme's GUIDELINES FOR INTERNSHIP: A MANUAL FOR STUDENT'S FACULTY AND SUPERVISORS, revised Fall, 1997

"Advertised" Internship opportunities will be announced and/or posted as they are available. Previous Internship Reports are available for review.

Articles and resources will be distributed in class. Access to the Internet will serve as an enhanced resource.

Learning Sequence:



Topic, resources, learning activities Learning Outcome Assessment
Week 1 Introduction to the course:

Why Do a Business Plan?

Components of a Business Plan



Internship Planning File/Confirmation Package

Due Week 13

Business Plan

Due Week 14

Week 2 Introduction to Business Planning:
  • Company Profile
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Sources of Information
14, 15 Business Plan
Week 3 Internship Planning, Getting Started:

Personal Assessments

Preparation of Resumes (Resumes must be updated as necessary)

Resumes Due Week 4

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Resume
Week 4 Internship Protocol

-Student Responsibilities:

  • Search and Selection Process for Potential Internships
  • Individual Consultations and Appointments
  • Outline of contents for Confirmation Packages
6, 7 Confirmation Package
Week 5 Contracts & Legal Considerations:
  • Business Structures (Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, Corporations)
  • Contracts & Legal Considerations
18, 19, 21, 22,


Business Plan
Week 6 Market Research :

S.W.O.T Analysis

Industry Profile

  • Industry Trends
  • Market Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis

Class will be held at the Business Self- Help Office

15, 16



- Assignment #1

- Business Plan



Week 7 The Marketing Plan:
  • The Marketing Plan
  • Product/Service
  • Promotional Strategy
  • Pricing
  • Place/Distribution
17, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 Business Plan
Week 86 Independent Study:
  • Search and Selection Process for Potential Internships
  • Independent Research, Site Visits, Letters of Enquiry
Week 9 Proposals
  • Principles of Consulting (Legal/Ethical)
22, 24, 25, 26, 28 Assignment #2
Week 10 Operations
  • Insurance Decisions
  • Equipment/Supplies
  • Financial Considerations
  • Management Human Resources
20, 27, 29, 30 Assignment #3
Week 11 Financial Planning
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Financial Ratios
31, 32 Business Plan
Week 12 Confirmation Packages for Internship
  • Letters of Acceptance, Completed Work Place
  • Agreement Forms, other Insurance Forms
  • International Documentation, etc.
  • Confirmation packages due: Value 20% Overview of Learning Contracts and work plans. (Final copies to be completed during the early stages of the Internship).
  • Preliminary List of Research, Topics and Research Methods.
9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Confirmation Packages
Week 13 Accounting & Record Keeping:
  • Useful Definitions & Accounting Terms
  • Tax Requirements & Reporting
  • Cash Receipts & Disbursements
  • Reconciling Accounts
  • Draft Learning Contracts Due
29, 30, 31, 33 Business Plan
Week 14 Sales & Sales Strategies:
  • Overcoming the Fear in Selling
  • Sizzlemanship and Buyer Motives
  • The Forgotten Art of Listening
  • Overcoming Objectives
  • "WOW" Customer Service
18, 19 Business Plan
Week 15 Review Business Plans
  • Mock Interviews
14 - 33 Business Plan

Assessment Plan:

Generic Skills, as outlined above, are embedded in the on-going assessment.

Assignments Due Date Value

Resume Week 4 5%
Assignment # 1 Week 5 5%
Assignment # 2 Week 6 20%
Assignment # 3 Week 12 5%
Confirmation Packages Week 12 & 13 20%
(See Attached Internship Planning File)    
Draft Learning Contract Week 13 10%
Business Plan Week 14 30%
Preliminary List of Research    
Topics Week 15 5%

Assignment Details:

Assignment # 1 Value 5 %

Research the market in the area where you would like to set up your own business. Include a full page market profile and a list of the resources used to determine your market.

Assignment # 2 Value 20 %

Contract Development

Details for this assignment will be discussed in class.

Assignment # 3 Value 5%

Select one of the following:

i) Choose and cost equipment and supplies for your small business

ii) Develop consulting policies and procedures for your practice

iii) Determine appropriate insurance coverage for a three person operation (one administrator and consultants/practitioners) operating a studio in your home town

Term Assignment Business Plan: Value 30%

Develop a Business Plan for an enterprise of your choosing. Details will be outlined in class. A comprehensive marking scheme will be provided. Carey will arrange to meet with students to go over Business Plans, the same way that a Bank would.

Mandatory Requirements:

All components of the course must be attempted in order to achieve a passing grade, and qualify for the internship.

PLA options and contact for this course:

Students will negotiate P.L.A. options with Gayle McIntyre and Carey McMaster.

Academic Responsibilities:

Course Policies

Collections Conservation & Management

1. Presentation

Written assignments must be:

2. Re-writes

Faculty may request a re-write of a submission if the criteria for assessment have not been met. Late penalties will apply if the assignment is not re-submitted the following day.

3. Penalties for Late Submissions

Completion of Term Work

All assignments must be completed in order for students to achieve a passing grade.

Late Assignments

Late assignments receive the following penalty:

Oral Presentations

4. Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity and the college has a strict policy on this issue (see Academic Regulations).

5. Make-up Tests

In valid circumstances (ill-health, personal crisis), a student may be given a make-up test to compensate for one missed in class-time. Students must contact the instructor within seven days of the original test in order to request a make-up.

6. Extensions & GDFS

7. Site Work

Students must agree to work within the parameters of the guidelines established for site work. Failure to comply, may result in the termination of project and suspension of the privilege of access.

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