The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Material Science I: Inorganic Materials
Date offered Fall, 1998
Location Ontario, CA
Instructor Dr. Maja R. Solajic
Institution Sir Sandford Fleming College


Course Outline

Course Number: 1380202

Collections Conservation & Management Program

Sir Sandford Fleming College

Fall Semester, 1998

Community Development & Health

Course Format: Three hours per week of applied material science


a) lecture -- 1 hour 20 minutes

b) break -- 10 minutes

c) laboratory -- 1 hour 30 minutes

Faculty: Dr. Maja R.Solajic, Office # 371D
Office Hours: TBA
E-mail address:

Vocational Outcomes:

This course has been designed to comply with professional standards and ethics for practice as prescribed by I.I.C.-C.G. (C.A.C.), C.A.P.C., and I.C.O.M. committee for Professional Museum Training.

Generic Skills Outcomes:

As per Ministry of Education and Training Program Standards:

Math Skills:

1. Apply a wide variety of mathematical techniques with the degree of accuracy required to solve problems and make decisions.


2. Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

3. Represent her or his skills, knowledge and experiences realistically for personal and employment purposes.

Computer Literacy:

4. Use a variety of computer hardware and software and other technological tools appropriate and necessary to the performance of tasks.

Interpersonal Skills:

5. Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.

6. Manage use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project related goals.

7. Take responsibility for his or her own actions and decisions.

Analytical Skills:

8. Evaluate his or her own thinking throughout the steps and processes used in problem solving and decision making.

9. Collect, analyze and organize relevant and necessary information from a variety of sources.

10. Create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs.

11. Adapt to new situations and demands by applying and/or updating her or his knowledge and skills.

General Education Goal Area:


Course Description:

Material Science I provides an introduction to the study of inorganic materials including ceramics, glass, stone and metals. The chemical composition, structure and deterioration of these materials are discussed. A variety of scientific techniques and conservation treatments are presented.


Senior level high school chemistry


Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the learner has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

Learning Sequence:



Topic, resources, learning activities Learning Outcome Assessment
Week 1 Sept.11 WHMIS training    
Week 2 Sept.18 Lecture: Course Intro/Atomic Structure & Periodic Table 1, 3  
  Resources: Ch. 1, 2 & 3 (Ouellette)    
  Lab: Lab Safety, Chemical Hazards in Conservation & Layout of Reports and Measurements 9 Labs
Week 3

Sept. 25

Lecture: Chemical Equations, Stoichiometry and Solutions 1, 2  
  Resources: Ch. 6 p.117-132, Ch. 7, Ch. 9 p.202-220 (Ouellette)    
  Lab: Experiment 1 - Solution Preparation and Techniques   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 4

Oct. 2

Lecture: Acid-Base Equilibria & lntro. Organic Chemistry 1  
  Resources: Ch. 11, Ch. 13 p.310-322 (Ouellette)    
  Lab: Experiment 2 - Chemical Analysis by Titration   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 5

Oct. 9

Lecture: Chemical Characteristics of Earthenware, Stoneware,

Porcelain and Glass I

4 Assignment #l Due
  Resources: hand-outs provided    
  Lab: Experiment 3 - The Corrosion of Glass by Water    
Week 6

Oct. 16

Lecture: Chemical Characteristics of Earthenware, Stoneware,

Porcelain and Glass II

  Hand-outs provided    
  Lab: Experiment 4: Diphenylamine Spot Test for Cellulose Nitrate   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 7

Oct. 23

Lecture: Production, Manufacturing of Earthenware,

Stoneware, Porcelain and Glass. Cleaning Methods I. Cleaning

with water, acids and bases

4, 5 QUIZ
  Resources: Crafts Council (Vol.2)    
  Lab: Experiment 5 - Synthesis of Soap I   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 8

Oct. 30

Independent Learning Week    
  Resources: "What's New In Old Metals"    
Week 9

Nov. 6

Week 10

Nov. 13

Lecture: Cleaning of Ceramics, Glass and Stone II.

Cleaning by Chemical Reaction

5 Assignment #2 Due
  Resources: Crafts Council (Vol.2)    
  Lab: Experiment 6 - Synthesis of Soap II   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 11

Nov. 20

Lecture: Chemical Properties of Metals and Alloys 6  
  Resources: Ch. 3 (Ouellette)    
  Lab: Experiment 7 - Soil Testing   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 12

Nov. 27

Lecture: Electrochemistry I - Oxidation- Reduction & Galvanic


1, 6  
  Resources: Ch. 6, p.134-142 (Ouellette)    
  Lab: Experiment 8 - Spot Tests for Metals; refer to "What's New in Old Metals?", p.16-18   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 13 Dec. 4 Lecture: Electrochemistry II - Standard Electrode Potentials

& Concentration Effects

1, 6 Assignment #3 Due
  Resources: hand-outs provided    
  Lab: Experiment 9 - Measurement of Object Density   Pre-lab/Lab
Week 14

Dec. 11

Lecture: Techniques for Cleaning Metals and Metal Stabilisation Processes 7, 8  
  Resources: hand-outs provided    
  Lab: Experiment 10 - Metal Polishes: Silver Tamish Removal   Pre-lab/Lab
  Tutorial: Question and Answer Period    
Week 15

Dec. 18



Learning Resources:

Required Materials:

R.J. Ouellette Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry 4th ed. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey 1997.

Laboratory Manual for Material Science I

Additional Materials for Reference:

Crafts Council (Corporate Author) Science for Conservators
Volume 1: an introduction to materials
Volume 2: cleaning
Volume 3: adhesives and coatings
Museums and Galleries Commission, London 1992.

J.M. Cronyn Elements of Archaeological Conservation Routledge, London 1990.

H. Hodges Artifacts, An Introduction to Early Materials and Technology Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands N.J. 1981.

S. Buys The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford 1993.

R. Newton Conservation of Glass Butterworths, London 1989.

CCI Specialized Workshop (Seminar) "What's New in Old Metals?" Ottawa 1994.

Molecular Model Kit

Assessment Plan:

Assessment Individual Mark Total Mark
Assignments 3 5% each 15%
Pre-labs (total of 8) 2% each 16%
Laboratories (choose 8 out of 10 labs)* 3% each 24%
Quiz (Oct. 23) -- 5%
Midterm Test (Nov.6) -- 15%
Christmas Test (Dec. 18) -- 25%

* Students are required to complete all laboratory experiments but may submit eight laboratory assignments for evaluation.

Generic skills are embedded in the assessments.

PLA options and contact for this course:

Contact Gayle McIntyre

Academic Responsibilities:

1. Course Policies

2. Presentation

Written assignments must be:

3. Re-writes

Faculty may request a re-write of a submission if the criteria for assessment have not been met. Late penalties will apply if the assignment is not re-submitted the following day.

4. Penalties for Late Submissions

Completion of Term Work

All assignments must be completed in order for students to achieve a passing grade.

Late Assignments

Late assignments receive the following penalty:

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations and/or practical test or projects for evaluation must be delivered on the day scheduled. A "no-show" will be graded at zero, unless adequate explanation is provided.

5. Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity and the college has a strict policy on this issue (see Academic Regulations).

6. Make-up Tests

In valid circumstances (ill-health, personal crisis), a student may be given a make-up test to compensate for one missed in class-time. Students must contact the instructor within seven days of the original test in order to request a make-up.

7. Extensions & GDFS

8. Site Work

Students must agree to work within the parameters of the guidelines established for site work. Failure to comply may result in the termination of project and suspension of the privilege of access.

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