The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Laboratory Methods 1
Date offered Fall 1998
Location Ontario, CA
Instructor Lana Dryden
Institution Sir Sandford Fleming College


Course Outline

Course Number: 1380207

Fall Semester, 1998 Sir Sandford Fleming College

Program: Collections Conservation & Management

Community Development & Health

Semester 1

Course Format: on-site delivery, 2 hours lecture/demonstration

Hours: 30

Mondays 10 -12

Faculty: Lana Dryden, Office # 371G Office Hours
Tuesday 11:00 -12:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 1:00
Thursday 11:00 - 12:00
E-mail address:

Vocational Outcomes:

This course is designed to comply with standards and ethics prescribed by 11C - CG, (CAC), CAPC, and ICOM committee for Professional Museum Training.

Generic Skills Outcomes:

1. Communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

2. Re-frame information, ideas, and concepts using the narrative, visual, numerical and symbolic representations which demonstrate understanding.

Math Skills:

3. Apply a wide variety of mathematical techniques with a degree of accuracy required to solve problems and make decisions.

Computer Literacy:

4. Use a variety of computer hardware and software and other technological tools appropriate and necessary to the performance of tasks.

Interpersonal Skills:

5. Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.

6. Manage use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project related goals.

Analytical Skills:

7. Collect, analyze and organize relevant and necessary information from a variety of sources.

8. Evaluate the validity of arguments based on qualitative and quantitative information in order to accept or challenge the findings of others.

General Education Goal Area:


Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to the types of materials, techniques, applications, and methods available for the treatment, stabilization, and optimum care of ceramic, glass, stone and metal artifacts.

Corequisites: None

Prerequisites: None


The aim of this course is to enable students to understand conservation methods and materials relating to the treatment of ceramics, glass, stone, and metal.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the learner has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1. Clean ceramics, glass, stone and metals using a variety of techniques, (eg. dry cleaning, aqueous solutions, solvents, poultices, etc.)

2. Repair consolidate, and gap fill ceramics, glass and stone while maintaining the integrity of the original object.

3. Colour tint, colour match, and paint replacement fills and surfaces.

4. Clean metals and metal surfaces using a method of techniques, (eg. intensive washing and drying, use of sequestering agents, electronic and electrochemical reduction; and polishes, rust convertors, and other preparations).

5. Stabilize metal surfaces through the application of protective coatings.

Learning Sequence:



Topic, resources, learning activities Learning Outcome Assessment
Week 1

Sept. 8-11

Labour Day    
Week 2

Sept 14 - 18

First Aid and CPR    
Week 3

Sept. 21 - 25

Introduction and Course Overview

Requirements for Ceramic/Glass Lab

1,2,3 Lab supply/equipment list
Week 4

Sept. 28- Oct. 2

Conservation of Ceramics, including Archeological Ceramics 1,2,3 -Case study

-Condition Report and Treatment Proposal test

-Lab supply/equipment list

-Treatment card collection

Week 5

Oct 5-9

Conservation of Glass and Enamels 1,4,5 -Case study

-Condition report and treatment proposal test

-Lab supply/equipment list

-Treatment card collection

Week 6 Thanksgiving    
Week 7 Condition Reports and Treatment Proposals 1,2,3,4,5 Condition report and treatment proposal test
Week 8 Independent Study Week    
Week 9

Nov. 2 - 6

Conservation of Methods

iron, tannic acid treatments and coatings

1,4,5 Case study Condition Report and Treatment Proposal

Lab Supply/Equipment List

Treatment Card Collection

Week 10

Nov. 9-13

Conservation of Metals (continued)

Iron, electrolytic treatments

1,4,5 Case Study

Condition Report and Treatment Proposal Test

Lab Supply/Equipment List

Treatment Card Collection

Week 11

Nov. 16-20

Conservation of Metals(continued)

Copper, Silver and other Metals, coatings

1,4,5 Case study due (20%) Case Study

Condition Report and Treatment Proposal Test

Lab Supply/Equipment List

Treatment Card Collection

Week 12

Nov. 23-27

Condition Report and Treatment Proposal Test 1,4,5 Condition Report and Treatment Proposal Test due (30%)
Week 13

Nov. 30 - Dec 4

Presentation of Condition Reports and Treatment Proposals 1,4,5 Condition Report and Treatment Proposal Test
Week 14

Dec. 7-11

Conservation of Stone

Cleaning, Consolidation, Coatings

1,2 Lab Supply/Equipment List, Treatment Card Collection
Week 15

Dec 14 - 18

Conservation of Stone (continued) 1,2 Lab Supply/Equipment List due (20%)

Treatment Card Collection due (30%)

Learning Resources:

There are no required tests for this course

Assessment Plan:

Students may be provided with opportunities for self-assessments, peer assessment, and faculty assessment through a variety of collaborative and reflective methods including dialogue with professional group projects and research assignments. The intention of the various assessment activities is to ensure that students are able to apply new skills and knowledge effectively and deliberately in a variety of contexts. The following work will be graded and the marks will comprise the final grade for the course.

Case studies of Published Artifact Treatments of Ceramic, Glass, Stone or Metal Artifacts 20% November 16, 1998
Condition Report and Treatment Proposal Test - Metals 30% November 23, 1998
Lab Supply/Equipment List 20% December 14, 1998
Treatment Card Collection 30% December 14, 1998


PLA options and contact for this course:

Individual process to be determined by consultation

Lana Dryden, Faculty, Office # 371 G

Academic Responsibilities:

1. Written assignments must be:

2. Re-writes:

Faculty may request a re-write of a submission if the criteria for assessment have not been met. Late penalties will apply if the assignment is not re-submitted the following day.

3. Penalties for Late Submissions:

Completion of Term Work

Late Assignments

Late assignments receive the following penalty:

Oral Presentations

4. Academic Integrity:

Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity and the college has a strict policy on this issue (see Academic Regulations).

5. Make-up Tests:

In valid circumstances (ill health, personal crisis), a student may be given a make-up test to compensate for one missed in class-time. Students must contact the instructor within seven days of the original test in order to request a make-up.

6. Extensions and GDFS:

7. Site Work:

Students must agree to work within the parameters of the guidelines established for site work. Failure to comply, may result in the termination of project and suspension of the privilege of access.

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