The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Cultural Institutions
Date offered TBA
Location TBA
Instructor David Tremain and Deborah Stewart
Institution Canadian Conservation Institute

Course Outline


This workshop will prepare staff to plan for and respond effectively to various types of emergencies and disasters affecting cultural institutions to ensure the preservation of their collections.

Description Outcomes

Participants will be introduced to a framework or an emergency response plan which they can adapt later to their own specific situations. Topics include identification of risks and hazards; prevention and mitigation of fire, water, and earthquake damage; security problems; emergency response; health and safety considerations; and salvage and recovery of fire- and water-damaged collections. Through a lecture forum, group discussions, and hands-on demonstrations and exercises, participants will learn the appropriate methods for drying and stabilizing wet collections and removing soot from objects. Participants will be encouraged to share their own specific needs and/or experiences.


Target Audience

All employees in cultural institutions involved in emergency preparedness, including curators, conservators, managers of records, collections, or facilities, archivists, librarians, registrars, volunteers, security and maintenance personnel, custodians, etc.

Attendance Maximum 15 participants
Duration 2 days
Instructor(s) David Tremain and Deborah Stewart

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