The Conservation Course Syllabus Pages

Course Wet-cleaning Non-coloured Textiles
Date offered TBA
Location TBA
Instructor TBA
Institution Canadian Conservation Institute

Course Outline


This workshop will teach participants how to determine whether or not a non-coloured textile may be safely wet-cleaned (hand-washed), and the proper conservation method of doing so.


By means of hands-on sessions, demonstrations, and slide and lecture presentations, participants will learn how to surface clean a textile safely and mechanically before wet-cleaning, to support a textile during wet-cleaning, to select and measure the appropriate detergent and water to use, and to block-out and dry a textile. Participants will gain first-hand experience in wet-cleaning a non-coloured textile. Participants are encouraged to bring their own textile (or artifact) for discussion purposes and possible wet-cleaning, although sample pieces will also be available.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

Target Audience

Anyone with a professional or personal interest in museum or heirloom textiles, including museum staff and volunteers, antique collectors, textile guilds, and conservation students from other disciplines

Attendance Maximum 10 participants
Duration 2 days
Instructor(s) Any of the following individuals, depending on availability: Jan Vuori, Janet Wagner, Renée Dancause

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