Jewelry History: A Core Bibliography

Strategies To Make A Difference

Ultimately, responsibility for preservation and access rests with both the holding institution and the jewelry historian who uses the materials. Identification of items for preservation is best a shared process. Associations such as the Society of Jewelry Historians, the Appraisal Association of America, the International Society of Appraisers, the Association of Women Gemologists and the Gemological Association of America could support preservation efforts within their specific disciplines and within the general jewelry field, by taking positions that foster preservation efforts of source material. They also could educate jewelry professionals about the moral and ethical dilemmas of preservation, including the responsibility of ownership.

The subject/discipline specific library or special collection are the treasure houses where possibilities abound. The value of cooperative preservation projects among similar institutions or collections became apparent as this report was taking shape. Each unique special collection mentioned in the report complements the other collections. United by some form of index or bibliographic database, they would enable formidable exploration and foster new discoveries in the jewelry field. Suggestions for action follow:

Jewelry Historians

Jewelry Related Associations


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