Jewelry History: A Core Bibliography

Microfilmed Titles

       Author               Title                            Library

Babelon          Catalogue des Camees Antiques...   Columbia University
Basserman-Jordan Der Schmuck                        Library of Congress
Billing          Science of Gems                    Library of Congress
Bing             La Culture artistique en Amerique  Library of Congress
Bishop           History of Manufactures...         University of Michigan
Blanc            L'art dans la Parure...            William Allen White, KS
Burgess          Antique Jewelry and Trinkets       Library of Congress
Castellani       Antique Jewellery                  New York public Library
Clapton          Precious Stones...                 ATLA Preservation Program
Cooper           Precious Stones...                 New York Public Library
Dieulafait       Diamonds and...                    University of Chicago
Evans            Anglo-Norman Lapidaries            Library of Congress
Furtwangler      Die Antiken...                     Columbia University
Geffray          Rene Lalique                       Library of Congres
Guiffrey         Inventories de Jean Duc...         Princeton University
Healon           Brooches of Many Nations           New York public Library
Heydt            Charles F. Tiffany...              University of Michigan
Holme            Modern Design...                   Library of Congress
Jones            History and Mystery...             U.S. Geological Survey
King             Handbook of Engraved Gems...       Library of Congress
Labarte          Handbook of the Arts...            Rice University
Menant           Les pierres grav'ees...            Library of Congress
Ross             The Art of Karl Faberge...         University of Michigan
Ryley            Old Paste                          Cornell
Streeter         Great Diamonds                     U.S. Geological Survey
Streeter         Pearls and Pearling...             Library of Congress
Wigley           The Art of the Goldsmith...        U.S. Geological Survey
Wilwon           Silverwork and Jewellery           Library of Congress

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