Jewelry History: A Core Bibliography

Jewelry Historian's Bibliography

This bibliography is a compilation of suggestions from the nine jewelry historians who are knowledgeable experts in their fields, one subject expert librarian's bibliography, and 11 bibliographies taken from notable jewelry historians' books. The 11 bibliographies that were searched are starred (*).

Two hundred and eighty-four titles comprise this core bibliography, candidates for preservation. Of this number only 28 are microfilmed. Each was chosen for subject matter and uniqueness first; access and preservation status was not a criteria. One hundred and seventy-two of the books have holdings that total less than 100 copies nationally. This bibliography is the result of approximately 60 hours of searching. While attempting to he comprehensive, it is limited by time constraints. Other records may exist. Every attempt has been made to assure the accuracy of the reported data. The author acknowledges the possibility of error by commission and omission. The author hopes this bibliography is only the beginning of a preservation effort that will serve future generations of jewelry scholars, professionals and connoisseurs. Readers may contact the author with questions and comments.

Access problems have been exposed. Scarcity and rarity are factors. The reported holdings highlight the paucity of available books. The number of records is evidence of lack of bibliographic standards, cataloging quirks, retrospective conversions, and the normal misspellings, etc. This listing has developed into a finding tool for confused, often duplicate bibliographic records, as well as the beginnings of a comprehensive bibliographic compilation in an area that often has various subject headings. For purposes of this study the most complete bibliographical information is given (i.e., full name or complete title with subtitle, if found). It will come as no surprise to those who are frequent searchers that many of the titles listed have multiple records or that standardized forms of citation are not common. This tended to make the searching process a more thorough one. resulting in more unique records for some of the same items.


The dates to the immediate right of the OCLC number are an attempt to identify the edition, or the date of publication. Occasionally the publisher is also cited, usually when the publisher in the citation differ from the bibliographic entry. In most cases, the number of copies held in participating libraries is listed to the far right of the OCLC number. However, not all the titles have OCLC records, or if they do, they eluded this searcher. At the bottom of most records two numbers appear. The first is the number of survey respondents who cited the book; the second is the number of times the book was cited in the 11 bibliographies consulted. Records without these numbers were suggested after the survey, or are variations of other cited titles.

An exclamation mark (!) preceding an entry indicates the item has been microfilmed. No effort was made to ascertain the accessibility or condition of the microfilm.

 Abbott, Mary. Jewels of Romance and Renown. 1933.
      A copy of this is to be found at the Richard T. Liddicoat
      Gemological Library and Information Center, Santa Monica,
      CA 90404.
   OCLC    1033857 27
        1               1

  Abeler, Jürgen. Kronen. Wuppertal, [1972] 1976.
      This contains 28 pages, 32 color plates. There are no
      holdings in OCLC, but a bibliographic listing is found
   OCLC    7323374 None

  Addison, Julia De Wolf. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages.
  Boston: L.C. Page, 1908.
      A description of "Medieval workmanship" in several of the
      departments of applied art, together with some account of
      special artisans in the early Renaissance. 378 pages and
      a 19-page introduction.
   OCLC    3552287 (1933) 17
           727236 (1908) 281
           22614636 (1914) 2
           10168680 (1921) 5
           4654197 (1908) 17

  Aldred, Cyril. Jewels of the Pharaohs: Egyptian Jewelry of the
  Dynastic Period. London: Thames & Hudson, Ltd., 1971.
      Photographs taken in Cairo by Albert Shoucair are part of
      this book. A comprehensive bibliography is also found.
   OCLC    16213571 2 (Both in Europe)
           4640754 (1978, revised and abridged) 26
           4076227 (1978, Ballantine, abridged) 336
           241007 (1971, original 256 pp) 43

  @Alexander, Christine. Jewelry: the art of the goldsmith in
  classical times. New York, 1928.
      Only 2,000 copies were printed in 1928 by E. L. Hildreth
      & Co., Bratleboro, Vermont.
   OCLC    634973 57

  +Allemane, Henry Rene d'. Les Accessoires du Costume et du
  Moblier....Paris: Schemit, 1928.
      English and French versions, 389 pages and 120 plates.
   OCLC    20023154 (1928)
           2124816 (1928) 1
           1140288 (1928) 8
           307349 (1970) a facsimilie 50
        1               3

  Amaya, Mario. Art Nouveau. London: Studio Vista, 1966.
   OCLC    846136 (1966) 186
           223304 (1968) 22
           12138435 (1985) 10
           11497980 (1985) 261
        1               2

  Ames, Winslow. Prince Albert and Victorian Taste. London:
  Chapman & Hall, 1967.
   OCLC    460635 (1968) 51
           400093 (1968) 431
        1               1

  Andrews, Carol A. R. Ancient Egyptian Jewellery. London:
  British Museum Publications, 1990.
   OCLC    2211401 21
           21911814 (New York: Abrams) 145

  Anscombe, Isabelle and Charlotte Gere. Arts and Crafts in
  Britain and America. London: 1978.
   OCLC    4912913 (1978) 37
           9546774 (1983) 90

  Armstrong, Nancy J. Victorian Jewelry. New York: Macmillian,
  1973. A historical survey of British jewelry.
   OCLC    892177 (1973) 5
           3207512 (1973) 66
           1040371 (1973) 21
        1               3

  Arrhenius, Birgit. Merovingian Garnet Jewellery. Stockholm:
  Kungl, 1985.
    Subtitled: Emergence and Social Implications with Diffraction
    Analysis by Diego Carlström. There are 229 pages, 1 leaf of
    plates a six page bibliography and an index. The book is
   OCLC    13658675 27
        O               1

  @Ashbee, Charles Robert. Craftsmanship in Competitive
  Industry. London: Essex House Press [19081.
      A record of the workshops of the Guild of Handicraft and
      some deducations from their twenty-on years experience
      which traces the arts and crafts movement.
   OCLC    3275713 (1977) reprint 49
           2131880 [19081 15
        1               1

  @Ashbee, Charles Robert. Modern English Silverwork: An Essay.
  New Edition with introductory essays by Alan Crawford and
  Shirley Bury. London: B. Weinreb, 1974.
      This book contains a series of designs by the author
      drawn upon 100 separate lithograph plates and colored by
      hand with a descriptive index in the original.
   OCLC    1959723 (1974) 16
           3344106 (1909-London) 4
        1               0

  + Ashbee, Charles Robert, translator. The Treatises of
  Benvenuto Cellini on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. London: E.
  Arnold, 1898.
   OCLC    17312886 4
           1154571 (reprint, Dover, 1967) 327
        1               2

  !Babelon, M. Ernest. Catalogue des Camees Antiques et
  Modernes de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Paris: E. Leroux,
      There are over 463 pages, notable illustrations and an
      album of 76 plates. Appendice. Inventoire des pierres
      gravees du cabinet du roi en 1664-1691.
   OCLC    3698813 (1897) 18
           23757250 Columbia University Libraries Microfilm
        1               1

  @Bacci. Orazio, Editor. [Italian Text of Cellini's Memoirs]
  [La] Vita di Benvenuto CelliniGems and Jewelry Today: An
  Account of the Romance and Values of Gems. Jewelry, Watches
  and Silverware. New York: M. Rodd Co., 1949.
   OCLC    1468315 (1949) 93

  Bainbridge, Henry Charles. Peter Carl Faberge, Goldsmith &
  Jeweller to the Russian Imperial Court. London: Batsford,
      Reprinted by Spring in 1967. There are 169 pages and 126
   OCLC    20123741 (1949)
           18498399 (1949) 5
           35863235 (1949) 55
           1348351 (1949) 133
           610682 (1966) Reprint 405
           4475972 (1968) Reprint 37
           5721812 (1979) Reprint 37
        2               2

  Baker, Lillian. Art Novueau & Art Deco Jewelry. Paducah,
  Kentucky: Collector Books, 1981.
   OCLC    7349279 (1981) 130
           12146502 (1986) 22
           18886184 (1989) 6
           21664507 (1990) 13
        2               0

  Baker, Lillian. The Collector's Encyclopedia of Hatpins and
  Hatpin Holders. Paducah, Kentucky: Collector Books, c1988.
   OCLC    2823470 98
           21495134 (Limited ed.) 3
           3419555 9
           7008765 (1980) 4
        1               0

  Baker, Lillian. 100 Years of Collectible Jewelry: 1850-1950.
  Paducah, Kentucky: Collector Books, 1976. Revised and updated
   OCLC    3883320 194
           7861875 (1980) 19
           9599914 (1983) 37
           1525879 (1986) 15
           19081235 (1989) 52
           24583780 (1991) 2
        2               0

  Baltimore Museum of Art. See Lesley, Parker.

  Bapst, Germain. Histoire des jovaux de la courenne de France.
  Paris: Hachette, 1889. Illustrations or "engravures" unique.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    23406757 1
           1333764 6
        2               1

  Barrera, A. de. Gems and Jewels: Their History, Geography,
  Chemistry and Ana. London: Richard Bentley, 1860.
   OCLC    9629363 7
        1               O

  Barth. H. Das Geschmeide. Berlin, 1903.
      No records found.
           O               1

  Barton Sigrid. Rene Lalique: Schmuck und Objets d'Art, 1890-
  1910. Munich: Prestel, 1977, [8?].
      A very thorough and recent volume, there are 529 pages,
      an eight-page bibliography and a comprehensive index.
   OCLC    5029434 48
           4533131 14
           2283138835 (1989 reprint) 4

  !Basserman-Jordan, Ernst von. Der Schmuck: mit farbigem
  titelblatte und 136 abbildugen. Lipzig: Klinkhardt &
  Biermann, 1909.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    4511444 12
           23754692 Microfilm at The Library of Congress 1

  Dattrshill Norman. S Cooper, Diana.

  Battke, Hinz. Geschichte des Ringes. Baden Baden: Klin, 1953.
   OCLC    1911580 16
        O               1

  Battke, Hinz. Ringe, aus vier Jahrtausenden. Frankfurt am
  Main: Insel-Verlag, 1963.
   OCLC    4583139 18
           738850 2

  Bauer. Jaroslav. Minerals, Rocks and Precious Stones. London:
  Octopus Books, 1974.
   OCLC    19907057 66
           10781096 7
           16306360 4
        1               0

  +Beauclair, Rene. Dessins a'ornementation plane en couleurs
  art nouveau. Paris, 1900.
   OCLC    20322075 (1988 reprint) 12

  Bauclair. Rene. Neue Ideen fur Modernen Schmuck. Stuttgart:
      No records found
           O               1

  Beaumont,  Edouard de. Jewel Art Studies: a series of high-
  class original and suggestive designs; specially prepared for
  practical working jewellers, by Edouard Beaumont and other
  eminent French and Italian artists. Edinhurgh: Thomas C.
  Jack, 18--[nd].
      There are 68 pages with many plates.
   OCLC    12841831 (1985 reprint) 5

  Becker, Vivienne. Antique and Twentieth Century Jewellery: A
  Guide for Collectors. Colchester, England: N.A.G. Prss, 1987,
  second edition.
   OCLC    7718027 (i980) 13
           16544984 (1981) 4
           8476129 (1982) 256
           15663754 (1987) 1
        4               4

  *Becker, Vivienne. Art Nouveau Jewellery. London: Thames and
  Heiberon 1985. Also. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1985.
   OCLC    14519857 18
           12933928 164
           12903329 40

  Becker, Vivienne.. Fabulous Fakes: The History of Fantasy and
  Fashion Jewellery. London: Grafton, 1988.
   OCLC    24142759 5
           17765992 22

  Bedringer. Margery. Indian Silver: Navajo and Pueblo
  Jewelers. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Meico
  Press, 1973.
      Contains 264 pages, illustrations and a bibliography.
   OCLC    783577 (1973) 528

  Bell, Jeanne. Answers to Questions about Old Jewelry, 1840-
  1950. Florence, Alabama: Books America, Inc. [varies]
      This book can be found for a modest sum in most paperback
      stores. A number of editions have emerged and the book is
      neither out of stock nor out of print. It is, however,
      printed on acid paper!
           2               0

  Bennett, Edna Mae. Turquoise and the Indian. Chicago: Sage,
      The original book was written and published in 1966, it
      has 152 pages, illustrations and a seven-page
      bibliography. All the other records are for the revised
   OCLC    1468515 (Denver, Sage Books, 1966) 162
           11296575 (Denver, 1970, revised) 16
           9623321 (Chicago, 1970) 8
           2764637 (Chicago, 1970) 95

  Bhushan, Jamila Brij. Indian Jewellery: Ornaments and
  Decorative Designs. Bombay, 1950.
      Also cataloged, as well as cited with Brij as last name.
   OCLC    1245564 86
           2920931 (1964, revised) 60
        2               2

  !Billing, Archibald. The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins and
  Metals. London: Daldy, Isbuster & Co., 1875.
      The original book has 221 pages and 19 leaves of plates,
      the revised and corrected edition is illustrated and
      contains 226 pages.
   OCLC    17144775 (1876) Bell & Daldy microfilm
           4198687 (1867) 10
           4365526 (1875) New edition, revised and corrected. 14
        1               O

  !Bing, Samuel. La culture artistque en Amerique. Paris, 1896.
      The original is microfilmed (OCLC # 23790808) but does
      not contain the American introduction by Robert Koch.
      American itle, English Artistic Amenca: Tiffany Class and
      Art Noueau elplains the contents well. Also cataloged
      with Siegfried Bing as author.
   OCLC    6283402 6
           25790808 (Microfilm) 1
        1               1

  !Bishop, John Leander. A History of Manufactures from 1608 to
  1860. Philadelphia: E. Young, 1864.
      Also published in London: S. Low, 1884. In 1862 Bishop
      entrusted the completion of the three volumes to Edwin
      Freedley and Edward Young. The books encompass "annals of
      the industry of the United States machinery, manufactures
      and useful arts, with a notice of the important
      inventions, tariffs, and the results of each decennial
      census to which are added statistics of the principal
      manufacturing centers and descriptions of remarkable
      manufactories at the present time." Considered part of
      the American culture series, microfilm reel #308.9-309.1,
      Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms.
   OCLC    6774310 24

  Black, J. Anderson. The Story of Jewelry: A History of
  Jewels. London: Orbis, 1974.
      Introduction by Edward Lucie-Smith. Most of the cited
      holdings are in Europe.
   OCLC    16304195 (1974) 1
           1230289 (1974) 20 q
           9219086 (1981) Revised 6
           7277848 (1981) 143
        1               1

  Blakemore, Kenneth and others. The Retail Jeweller's Guide.
  London: Iliffe Books, [varies].
      This hook is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    24283489 (1969)
           558673 (1970) 25
           16239640 (1973) 2nd edition. 1
           6975660(1973) 1
           2983040 (1976) 3rd edition 34
           16613633 (1983) 4th edition 1
           11939924 (1983 4th edition 8
           1783273 (1988) 5th edition 2
           17678021 (1988) 5th edition. 35
        5               5

  !Blanc, Charles M. L'art dans la Parure et dans le v'etement.
  Paris: Renouard, 1875. Art in Ornament and Dress. (Chapman,
  1877; Scribner, 1877; Tower, 1971)
      American edition published by Scribner in 1877, English
      edition published by Chapman in 1877. The book contains
      274 pages with illustrations, two of which are in color.
      A microfilm of the translated book is to be found at the
      William Allen Whie Library in Emporia, KS, OCLC
   OCLC    4558818 10
           6082190 27
           18725181 (microfilm)

  Blanchot, Ivan-Leo. Les Bijoux Anciens. Paris: Les Editions
  Pittoresques, 1929.
      This contains a remarkable bibliography. The MARC record
      describes appropriately: ouvrage illustre de 48 planches
      hors text en heliogravure, un frontispice en couleurs et
      16 figures dans le texte. There are 225 pages with
   OCLC    2668943 9

  Blumer, Martin Frederick. A History of Amulets..., translated
  by S.H., Gent. Edinburgh: Printed by E.& G. Goldsmid, 1887.
      The bibliographic record notes this was "First printed at
      lalle by Christopher Andrew Zeitler at the Universityy
      Press, 1710. " and that it was "Englished from Latin by
      S. H., gent."
   OCLC    1486592 11

  Booth, A. Gems, Cameos and Amber. Glouchester, England: John
  Bellows, 1980.
      No records found.
           1               O

  Borgese, Elizabeth Mann. See Rossi, Filippo.

  Bott, Gerhard, ed. Kunsthandwerk um 1900: Juggenstil.
  Darrnstadt:E. Roether, 1965.
   OCLC    1077809 63
           4958343 9
           1905420 4
           22930241 2
        1               2

  Bott, Gerhard, ed. Ullstein Juwelenbuch: abendländ. Schmuck
  von d. Antike bis z. Gegenwart. Frankturt, Wein: Ullstein,
   OCLC    3897814 3

  Boyvin, R. Le Livre de Bijouterie. Paris, 1575.
      The reproduction was done by Amand-Durand for Georges
      Duplesses in 1876! There are 16 pages and 20 plates.
   OCLC    7427868 4

  Bradford, Ernle Dusate Selby. Contempoary [sic] Jewellery and
  Silver Design. London: Heywood, [1950]..
      Spelling as on the record.
   OCLC    1317822 18
           1467104 22

  Bradford, Ernle Dusgate Selby. English Victorian Jewellery.
  London: Country Life, 1959.
   OCLC    1245556 (NY: McBride, 1959) 65
           7447792 (London) 22
           12532311 (London: Spring, 1967) 19
           463192 (1968) 67
           39204559 (London: Harnlyn House, 1959) 17

  *Bradford, Ernle Dusgate Selby. Four Centuries of European
  Jewellery. London: Spring Books, 1967. Second Edition.
   OCLC    3838415 (1953) 36
           1579317 (1953) 88
           19710714 (1968) Reprint 111
        2               2

  Brij. See Bhushan.

  Brown, William Norman. The Art of Enamelling on Metal.
  London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1900.
      This book contains 28 illustrations and was revised in
   OCLC    2293149 11
           19780930 (1914) 11

  Brunswick, Duc Souverain de. Catalogue de Brillants et Autre
  Pierres Precieuses. 1860.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center Santa Monica, CA 90404. No
      records found.
           1               1

  Budge, E. A. Wallis. Amulets and Talismans. 1930.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemoloical
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    1929166 (1968) 50
           217994 (1961) title as: Amulets and Supersitions) 316
           19700810 (1970) 81
           1969839 (1930) 58
        1               0

  Bulgari. Constantino G. Argentieri, gemmari e orafi d'ltalia:
  notizie storiche e raccolta dei loro contrassegni con la
  riproduzone grafica dei punzoni individuali e dei punzino di
  stato. Roma: L. del Turco, 1958.
   OCLC    21833494 10
        1               1

  !Burgess, F.W. Antique Jewelry & Trinkets. New York: Tudor
  Publishing Co., 1937 1962.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
      The Library of Congress Photoduplication Service holds
      the microfilm OCLC #17125768. The book is part of the
      Home Connoisseur series of illustrated material preserved
      in MicRR. There are 399 pages with 24 pages of plates.
   OCLC    1023076 52
           26744 (1972) Reprint 35
           519749 (1937) 222
        2               2

  Burty, Philippe. F.-D. Froment-Meurice, argentier de la
  ville, 1802-1855. Parix: D. Jousauxt, 1883.
   OCLC    23406984 1
           16990706 2
        2               0

  Bury, Shirley. Jewellery Gallery Summary Guide. London:
  Victoria and Albert Museum, 1982.
   OCLC    746354 (1972) 21
           11548588 (1982) 2nd Ed. 32
        1               3

  Bury, Shirley. Jewellery, 1789-1910: The International Era.
  Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, Antique Collectors Club, 1991.
   OCLC    24528343 3
        2           New!

  Bury, Shirley. Sentimental Jewellery. London: HMSO, 1985.
   OCLC    1343002 (1985) 19
           12556912 (1989) 38
        2               0

  Campier, Victor. The Decorative Arts. Philadelphia: George
  Barrie, 1902. Champier, Victor and Gustave Larroumet.
  ...Documents d'atelier, art d'ecortif moderne: album
  contenant 60 planches en couleurs fac-similie d'aquarelles,
  200 modeles nouveaux pour les industries d'art...Paris:
  Librairie de la Revuue des Arts Decoratifs, 1898.
      One hundred and fourteen pages with 25 plates of applied
      and decorarive arts examples from the Paris, Exposition
      Universelle, 190.
   OCLC    18204209 1
           4217078 (French edition) 4
        2               0

  Cartlidge, Barbara. Twentieth-Century Jewelry. New York:
  Abrams, 1985.
      This 238-page book is.filled with colored illustrations.
   OCLC    11867746 372
        1               1

  !Castellani, Alessandro. Antique Jewelry and Its Revival.
  Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial
  Art, [1876]. Castellani, Augusto. Antique Jewellery and Its
  Revival. 1862.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
      Please note that the two citations may in fact be the
      same item! Microfilm OCLC #22072185 and not compared
      [1862?] Microfilm OCLC #22072172. #zz2124 Master
      Microfilm held by New York Public Library.
   OCLC    12064341 2
        2               3

  Castellani, Augusto. Della Orificeria Italiana. Roma:
  Tipografia Barbera, 1872.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
      Possibly catalogued as: Dell'oreficeria anica: Discourso.
   OCLC    16986618 1
           1385896 1
        2               1

  Castellani, Augusto. Delle gemme: notizii raccolte. Firenze:
  Barbera, 1870.
   OCLC    8021709 (only 1 in the U.S.) 2
           834563 (Bell & Daldy, English, translation by Mrs.
           John Brogden, 241 pages) 15

  Cellini, Benventuo. See Cust, R.H.H.; Churchill, Sidney John
  Alexander; Symonds, J. A.; Ashbee, C.R.; and Bacci, O.

  Chaumet. Une Pleiade de joailliers maitres-, 1780-1930.
  Paris: Imp. Frazier-Sage, 1930.
      There were only 1,000 printed. This book is held by the
      Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information
      Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    6773351 3

  Church, Arthur Herhert. Precious Stones [considered in their
  scientific and artistic relations]. A Guide to the Townsend
  Collection. 1924. Church. Arthur Herbert. Precious Stonex
  Considered in their scientific and artistic relations.
  London: Chapman ;md Hall, Ltd., 1880.
      Bibliographical notes are included in his South Kensingon
      museum art handbook of 111 pages with illustrations and
      four colored plates and woodcuts. This book is held by
      the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and
      Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    4417236 5
           8719424 (1883) 7
           3939779 (1905) 9
           3859565 (1913) 7
           12016731 (1924) 7
        1               2

  Churchill, Sidney John Alexander. Bibliografia Cellinia:
  Excerpted from The Life of Benventuo Cellini, newly
  translated by R. H. H. Cust. 2nd Edition with additions.
      No records for the first edition. The one copy is in
      Europe. See the entry under Robert H. Cust.
   OCLC    20569925
        1               1

  @Churchill. Sidney John Alexander. The Goldsmiths of Italy,
  some account of their guilds, statutes and work. Compiled and
  published papers, notes, and other material collected by the
  late Sidney J. A. Churchill by Cyril G.E. Bunt. London: M.
  Hopkinson and Company, Ltd., 1926.
   OCLC    2111543 22
           4667401 (1979) 18

  @Churchill Sidney John Alexander. The Goldsmiths of Rome
  under Papal Authority; their statutes hitherto discovered,
  and a bibliography. London, 1907. (New York: Johnson, 1907)
   OCLC    19645225
        1               1

  Cirino. Arnold. See Rose, Augustus.

  !Clapton, Edward. The precious stones of the Bible:
  descriptive and symbolical. 2nd Edition. London: Simpkin,
  Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1899.
      Described as a treatise on the breast plate of the high
      priest and the foundation of the New Jerusalem with a
      brief history of each tribe and each apostle. The
      microfiche is part of the A7A Monograph Preservation
      Program ATLA Fiche 1985-0664. This book is held by the
      Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information
      Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    22525643 (2nd edition)
           16459906 Microfiche 15

  Clifford, Anne. Cut-Steel and Berlin Iron Jewellery. South
  Brunswick and New York: Barnes, 1971.
      This has been described by scholars as the only book in
      English exclusively devoted to Berlin Iron Jewelry.
   OCLC    3383097 3
           187790 77
           159508 43
        2               1

  Cocks, Anna Somers. See Sommers

  Collins, Arthur Jefferies. Jewels and plate of Queen
  Elizabeth I: the inventory of 1574/ edited by Harley Ms. 1650
  and Stowe Ms. 555 in the British Museum by A. Jefferies
  Collins. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1955.
      Cited by Shirley Bury and Anna Somer.s Cocks as important
      for not only what it includes but for what is missing.
   OCLC    14378763 10
           1065932 1 2
        1               2

  !Cooper, Charles Williams. The Precious Stones of the Bible.
  London: H.R. Allenson, 1920, 1924.
      The bibliography is entered as "Authorities cited."
   OCLC    4754753 4
           23781747 Microfilm at NYP

  Cooper, Diana and Norman Battershill. Victorian Sentimental
  Jewellery. Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 1972.
   OCLC    540632 16
           600255 (1973, American ed.) 94
        1               1

  Cristofani, Mauro and Martelli, Marina, editors. Il Tesoro Di
  Lorenzo II Magnificio: Le Gemme. Florence: Sansoni, 1972.
  Cristofani, Mauro and Martelli, Marina, editors. Appendix by
  Edilberto Formigli. L'Oro degli Etruschi. Novara: Instituto
  Geographico De Agostini, 1983.
   OCLC    177817512 4
           11143795 17
           18865547 6

  Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge Samuel. The Art of Enamelling on
  Metals. 1906.
  Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge Samuel. European
  Enamels. London: Methuen and Co., 1906.
      An American edition was published by Putnam. There are
      187 pages with illustrations.
   OCLC    11984276 (New York) 17
           1809968 (London) 77

  Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge Samuel. On the theory and
  practice of art-enamelling upon metals. Westminster:
  Constable, 1899.
   OCLC    3565875 20
           10459654 8
           3565854 19
        1               0

  @Curtis, C. Densmore. Jewelry and Gold Work. Rome: Sindacato
  Italianio Arti Grafiche, 1925. Curtis, C. Densmore. Sardis:
  Jewelry and Goldwork. Rome: American Society for the
  Excavation of Sardis, 1925.
   OCLC    13114918
           1387147 35

  @Cust, Robert H. Hobart. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. A new
  version by Robert H. Hobart Cust. London: G. Bell and Sons,
      This includes an appendix: Bibliography of Cellini
      Literature contributed by Sydney J. A. Churchill and a
      list of Cellini  works. There are two volumes with plates
      facsimilies and genealogical charts.
   OCLC    2850065 (1910) 61
           2350424 (1927, limited edition to 1500) 37
        2               0

  Cuzner, Bernard. A First Book of Metal-Work. Leicester: The
  Dryad Press, 1931.
      This edition with 162 pages and illustrations also
      contains a forward by H.H. Holden. The book was reprinted
      in 1979 h Gresham Books a new forward vas written by
      Andrew Smith and there were some textual revision.s.
   OCLC    19790324 7
           6233494(1979) 20
        1               1

  Dalgleish, George R. See Marshall, Rosalind K.

  @Dalton, O.M. Catalogue of the Engraved Gems of Post-
  Classical Periods in the Departments of British and Medieval
  Antiquities & Ethnography in the British Museum. London:
  Trustees of the British Museum, 1915.
   OCLC    1075301 27
        1               3

  Dalton, O.M. Catalogue of Finger Rings. 1912.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
      No records found.
           1               2

  @Dalton, O. M. Catalogue of early Christian Antiquities and
  objects from the Christian East in the Department of British
  and Medieval Antiquities and Ethnography of the British
  Museum. London: British Museum, 1901.
   OCLC    3330945 26

  @Dalton, O. M. Catalogue of the Ivory Carvings of the
  Christian Era with examples of Mohammedan Art and Carvings in
  Bone in the Department of British and Medieval Antiquities
  and Ethnography of the British Museum. London: British
  Museum, 1909.
   OCLC    1856596 41

  @Dalton, O. M. Catalogue of the Medieval Ivories, Enamels,
  Jewellery, Gems and Miscellaneous Objects Bequeathed to the
  Museum by Frank McClean, M.A., F.R.S. Cambridge: University
  Press, 1912.
   OCLC    1613267 19

  Darling, Ada W. The Jeweled Trail. Des Moines, Iowa: Wallace-
  Holmstead Book Co., 1971.
   OCLC    277508 42
        2               0

  Darling, Sharon S. Chicago Metalsmiths. Chicago: Chicago
  Historical Society, 1977.
   OCLC    2983740 (1977) 306
        1               0

  +Davenport, Cyril James Humphries. Cameos. London: Seely and
  Company, 1900.
      This book is also held by the Richard T. Liddicoat
      Gemological Library and Information Center, Santa Monica,
      CA 90404.
   OCLC    1833185 60
           9355423 (1967, facsimilie) 5
           6453304 (1975, Seattle) 9
        4               3

  @Davenport, Cyril James Humphries. Jewellery. 1905.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    4780()43 (Methuen, 1905) 17
           9457183 (Methuen, 1913, 2nd Ed.) 7
           4445951 (A. C. McClurry, 1910) 12
           12437593 (A. C. McClurry, 1913) 4
        1               1

  @Davillier, Jean Charles. Recherches sur l'orfevrerie en
  Espagne au moyen age et a la Renaissance: documents in'edits
  tir'es des archives espagnoles, par le baron Ch. Davillier;
  dix neuf planches grav'ees a l'eau-forte d'apres d'anciens
  dessins de maitrse, dessins dans le texte par Fortuny,
  Edouard de Beaumont. Pans: A. Quantin, 1879.
   OCLC    2969818 14

  Davillier, lean Charles. See Beaumont, Edouard de.

  Davidson, Patricia F. See Hoffman, Herbert.

  Davis, Mary L. See Pack, Greta.

  @Dawson, Nelson. Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Work. 1907.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    8336226 (G.P. Putnam, 1907) 27
           2025126 (Methuen, 2nd Ed., 1907) 75
           15241719 (2nd Ed., 1908) 2
        1               2

  @Day, Lewis Foreman. Enamelling, a Comparative Account of the
  Development and Practice of the Art. London: B. T. Batsford,
      One hundred and fifteen illustrations and 222 pages
      feature in this 1907 course of art and workmanship.
   OCLC    13\83489 45

  [De Kay, Charles.] The Art Work of Louis Comfort Tiffany. New
  York: Doubleday, 1914.
      Depending on the edition there are between 60 and 64
      leaves of plates and about 100 pages of text. The 1912
      version is an artifact. It consists of 80 pages with
      editorial notations in pencil. This on pre-print or
      editors proof is found in VA at VCJ. Because I have not
      examined this book I cannot say for sure if there is an
      author, nor do I have knowledge of who wrote this. I have
      kept the author as cited, yet no author appears in any of
      the OCLC records.
   OCLC    7987557 (1914, Garden City) 3
           24124719 (1912)
           20099102 (reprint, Poughkeepsie, 1987) 62

  [De Kay, Charles.] Cellini a la cour de France. 1891.
      No records found.

  @Dent. Herbert C. Pique. London: The Connoisseur, 1923.
      Subtitled: A Beautiful Minor Art. This contains 36 plates
      and an introduction by C. Reginald Grundy. This book is
      held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and
      Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    4803014 23
        1               1

  !Dieulafait, Louis. Diamonds and Precious Stones. 1865.
  Originally published Diamants et pierres precieus. Paris:
  Hachette et cie, 1871.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
      The book has been microfilmed recently by Scribner Arms.
   OCLC    8238803(1873) 4
           69728227 (126 wood engravings) 8
           3759389 29
           22931016 Microfilm at the University of Chicago. 1
        1               1

  Dimier, L. Cellini a la cour de France. 1989.
      No records. See [DeKay].

  Di Noto, Andrea. Art Plastic-Designed for Living. New York:
  Abbeville Press, Inc., 1984.
   OCLC    10559153 385
        1               0

  Dolan, Maryanne. Collecting Rhinestone Jewelry. Florence,
  Alabama: Books Americana, Inc., 1984.
   OCLC    11175767 127
        1               0

  Doughty, Oswald. Early Diamond Days: The Opening of the
  Diamond Fields of South Africa. London, 1963.
   OCLC    2395673 101

  Edwards, Rod. The Technique of Jewellery. London: Batsford,
   OCLC    3518566 5
           17838328 (1987) (England)
           3447079 (1977, New York: Scribners) 174

  *Egger, Gerhart. Generations of Jewelry from the 15th through
  the 20th Century. West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1988.
   OCLC    18329243 39

  @Emanuel, Harry. Diamonds and Precious Stones: their history,
  value, and distinguishing characteristics. With simple tests
  for their identification. London: J. C. Hotten, 1865.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    48514143 8
           3802934 (2nd Ed., new tables) 34
           4851469 (New York, 1873) 4
        1               1

  Eppla. Die Schmuch. Stuttgart, 1912. @Eppler, Alfred. Die
  Schmucksteine und die Schmuckstein-Industrie. Leipzig: B. G.
  Teubner, 1912.
   OCLC    6185927 5

  @Evans, Joan. English Jewellery from the Fifth Century A.D.
  to 1800. New York: E. P. Dutton, 191.
      Contains 34 plates two in color bibliographical footnotes
      and 168 pages.
   OCLC    8700133 11
           1892160 (London Methuen) 44
        1               3

  @Evans, Joan. English Posies and Posy Rings. London: Oxford
  University Press, 1931.
      Evans lists the inscriptions found an jewellery giving
      the provenance of the jewel, where it is known and dates
      the various groups of inscriptions.
   OCLC    760106 34
        1               1

  +Evans, Joan. A History of Jewellery, 1100-1870. London:
  Faber & Faber, Revised, 1971.
      Original printed in 1923 both book contain extensive
   OCLC    2158072 (1953) 46
           708723 (1953, Putnam, NY) 94
           108587 (1970, 2nd Ed., Boston) 271
           102123 (1970, London) 88
        3               6

  +Evans, Joan. John Ruskin. London: Oxford University Press,
   OCLC    2792259 349
           2046482 74
           783179 55
           136247 (reprint, 1970) 110

  +Evans. Joan. Magical Jewels of the Middle Ages and the
  Renaissance. 1922.
   OCLC    1944115 (1922, Oxford, Clarendon Press) 55
           1532036 (1975, Detroit, Gale Press)
           2871921 (1976, New York, Dover) 141
           1467685 (1964, Cambridge University Press) 342

  @Evans, Joan. Pattern, A Study of Ornament in Western Europe
  from 1180-1900. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1931.
   OCLC    1355339 132
           1961603 (Hacher Art Books, 1975 reprint) 172
           2137130 (New York, 1976, Carpo Press) 111

  +@Evans, Joan and Mary Sidney Serjeantsen. English Mediaeval
  Lapidaries. London: Oxford University Press, 1931.
   OCLC    22899475
           10572126(1933) 88
           4822714(1933) 19
           860372 (1960, facsimilie) 77

  +!Evans, Joan and Paul Studer, editors. Anglo-Norman
  Lapidaries. London: E. Champion, 1900.
   OCLC    23758968 Microform 2
           2661621 (Geneve, Slatkine Reprint, 1976) 13
           1370744(1924) 33

  Falk, Fritz. Edelsteinschliff und Fassungsform im Spaten
  Mittelalter und im 16 Jahrhundert: Studien ur Ges chte d.
  Edelsteine um d. Schmuckes. Ulm: Kempter, 1975.
      A detailed study of actual jewels and depictions in
      pinting of the manner in which jewels were cut and
      mounted form the 14th to the 16th centuries. 150 pages 82
   OCLC    4437137 3

  Fernandez Monta-na, Jose, editor. Lapidario del re D. Alfonso
  X (Codice). Madrid: Imprenta de la Iberia, a cargo de J.
  Blasco, 1881.
   OCLC    4272210 27
           8994254 (c1973-1974 reprint) 57
        1               0

  @Fisher, Alexander. The Art of Enamelling upon Metal: with a
  short appendix concerning miniature painting on enamel.
  London: The Offices of the Studio, 1906.
   OCLC    736118 26

  @+Flower, Margaret. Victorian Jeweller. New York: Duell,
  Sloan and Pearce, 1951.
   OCLC    3261577 (London, Cassell, 1951) 19
           593102 (London, Duell, 1951) 166
           954883 (London, revised, 1967) 21
           914243 (South Brunswick, 1967) 195
           702783 (New Brunswick, new and rev. ed., 1973) 114
        5               6

  @Fontenay, Eugene. Les Bijoux Anciens et Modernes. Paris:
  Societe d encouragemnt pour la propagation de livres d an,
      Contains a preface by M. Victor Champier and "ouvrage
      illustré de 700 dessins in edits. There are 520 pages.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    8401219 5
           170894 (Maison Quantin, 1887) 13
        2               4

  @+Forrer, Leonard. A Biographical Dictionary of Medallists:
  Coin, gem, seal-engravers, mint-masters, &, ancient and
  modern, with references to their works, B.C. 500-A.D. 1900.
  London: Spink and Son, 1902-1930. [1919]
   OCLC    347821 (1970) 34
           7631735 (1980) (facsimilie reprint) 5
           6977031 (London, A. Baldwin, only 300 printed) 2
           4433994 (1930, all eight volumes) 14
        1               2

  @Forrer, Robert. Geschichte des Gold-und Silber-schmuches
  nach Originalen der Strassburger historischen Schmuch-Ausstellung
  von 1904. Strassburg: L. Beust, 1905.
   OCLC    170529 6

  Fouquet, Jean, Ed. La Bijouterie de fantasise au XXe siecle.
  Paris, 1934.
      No records found.

  @Fouquet, Jean. Bijoux et Orfevrerie. Paris: Charles Moreau,
   OCLC    3578174 8
           6968766(1931) 10
        1               2

  Fregnac. Claude. Jewelry from the Renaissance to Art Nouveau.
  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1965.
      Translated from the French by Donald Law de Lauriston.
   OCLC    9624018 (London) ?
           5865512(1965) ?
           414391(1965) 251
           766482 (1973) ?
        2               0

  !Furtwangler, Adolph. Die Antiken Gemmen. Leipzig: Greseche
  and Devrient, 1900.
      The antiken Genmen: Geschichte der steinschneudekunst im
      klassichen Altertum. Leipzip: Gesecke & Devrient, 1900.
      This three-volume book is held by the Richard T.
      Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information Center,
      Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    12265465 (1985 Reprint) ?
           16845867 (microfiche) Columbia University
           3819984 45
           975091 (1964, Amsterdam) 30
        1               2

  Garside, Anne, editor. Jewellery-Ancient to Modern. New York:
  The Viking Press, 1980.
   OCLC    5310561 425
        1               1

  !Geffray, Gustave. Rene Lalique. Paris: E. Mary, 1922.
   OCLC    17148165 Microform at Library of Congress

  Gere, Charlotte and Isabelle Anscombe. See Anscombe.

  Gere, Charlotte. American & European Jewellery 1830-1914. New
  York: Crown, 1975.
      This book is cataloged by his title and by: European and
      American Jewellery: 1830-1914.
   OCLC    1582367 278
        2               4

  Gere, Charlotte. English Victorian Jewellery. London: Country
  Life, 1959.
   OCLC    124556 (First American Ed.) 64
           7447792 22
           463192 (1968 reprint) 66
           12532311 (1967 reprint) 19
           3920459 17

  Gere, Charlotte.  European and American Jewellery, 1830-1914.
  See American & European Jewellery.
   OCLC    1841090 (1975) 25

  *Gere, Charlotte. Victorian Jewellery Design. London: Kimber,
   OCLC    495910 54
           713906 (Chicago) 113
        2               5

  Gere, Charlotte and Geoffrey C. Munn. Artist's Jewellery:
  PreRaphaelite to Arts and Crafts. Woodbridge: Antique
  Collectors Club, 1989.
   OCLC    19065474 66
           24083081 3

  Gere, Charlotte. See Marshall, Rosalind K.

  Gere, Charlotte and Hugh Tait. See Tait.

  Gerlach, M. Juwelen und Goldarenindustrie. Berlin, 1871.
      No records found.

  @Gerlach, Martin, ed. Primitive and Folk Jewellery. London:
  Dover Publications, 1971. @Gerlach, Martin, ed.
  Volkerschmick, mit besonder Berucksichtigung des metallischen
  Schmuckes. Edited by Martin Gerlach.
      Introduction and captions by Michael Haberlandt. New
      York: Dover Publications; London: Constable, 1971.
      Originally published as: Volkerschmuck mi be sonderer
      Berucksichtigung des metallischen Schmuckes. Vienna und
      Leipiz, 1906.
   OCLC    16257118 5

  Golish, Vitolde. Splendeur et crepuscle des maharajas. Paris,
   OCLC    12159367 3

  Goring, Elizabeth. See Marshall, Rosalind K.

  Graham-Campbell, James. Viking Artifacts: A Select Catalogue.
  London, 1980.
   OCLC    16488624 8
           6471584 144

  Gregorietti, Guido. Gold und Juwelen eine Geschichte des
  Schmucks von Ur bis Tiffany. Vorwort von Erich Steingraber.
  Berlin, 1971.
   OCLC    5418203 3

  Gregorietti, Guido. Jewelry: History & Technique from the
  Egyptians to the Present. Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell, c1979.
   OCLC    5825127 111
        2               0

  Gregorietti, Guido. Jewelry Through the Ages. Translated by
  Helen Lawrence. Feltham: Hamlyn, 1969.
   OCLC    16189316 3
           12438502 (Cresent) 23
           1072934 (Cresent) 58
           12044774(1970) 8
        3               0

  Gregorietti, Guido. See Gregorietti.

  !Guiffrey, Jules Marie Joseph. Inventories de Jean Duc de
  Berry, 1401-1416. Paris: E. Leroux, 1894-1896.
      This was published in two volumes.
   OCLC    4541822 4
           14447233 Princeton University Microfilm, 1983

  Haberlandt, Michael. See Gerlach, Martin.

  Hackenbroch, Yvonne. Exhibition of Renaissance Jewels
  selected from the Collection of Martin J. Desomi. San
  Francisco, 1958.
   OCLC    2484753 32

  Hackenbroch, Yvonne. Renaissance Jewellery. Munich, 1979.
      Published in London and Totowa, New Jersey by Sotheby,
      Park Bernet in 1979, this book contains 424 pages and is
   OCLC    423317 15
           6281270 135

  +Hall, Harry Reginald Holland. Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs,
  etc., in the British Museum. London, 1915. The reprint is a
  photocopy at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
   OCLC    3788318 (1913) 21
           9701458 (reprint, 1982)

  Hapsburg, George von and Solodkoff, Alexander. Faberge. New
  York: Studio Vista, 1979.
  Hapsburg, Lothringen von Gezn. Faberge: Court Jeweller to the Tsars.
  New York: Tabard, c1979.
  Hapsburg-Lothringen, Geza von. Faberge, Court Jeweler
  to the Tsars. [English translation, J. A. Underwood]. New York:
  Rizzoli, 1979.
   OCLC    18802876 (Tabard) 47
           5990780 (Rizzoli) 344
           20283782 (London: Alpine, 1984) 2
           7406675 (Rizzoli, 1979?)
        2               2

  Harvard, H. Historie de l'Orfeverie Francaise. Paris, 1896.
      No records found.

  Has, Ulrike von. S Hase-Schmundt, Ulrike von.

  Hase-Schmundt. Ulrike von. Schmuck in Deutschland und
  Österreich, 1895-1914: Symbolismus, Jugendstil,
  Neohistorismus. München: Prestel, 1977.
   OCLC    4122643 42
           19480942 (1985 Reprint) 4

  Haslam, Malcolm. Marks and Monograms of the Modern Movement,
  1895-1930. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons, 1977.
   OCLC    # 3076271 305
        1               1

  !Heaton, Harriet A. The Brooches of Many Nations. Edited by
  J. Potter Briscoe. Nottingham: Murray's Nottingham Book Co.,
  Ltd . . 1904.
      Contains 78 illustrations by the author. New York Public
      Library holds the master microfilm, OCLC #21471679.
   OCLC    2938904 24
           21471679 (one in the U.S.) 2
           23799470 [Microfilm] 1

  @Hendley, Thomas Holbein. Indian Jewellery. London, 1906-
   OCLC    283234 (1909) 10
           12236287 (1984) 20

  !Heydt, George Frederic. Charles F. Tiffany and the House ot
  Tiffany and Co. Privately Printed, 1893.
   OCLC    1445221 Microfilm, University of Michigan

  +Higgins, Reynold Alleyne. Greek and Roman Jewellery. 2nd
  edition. London: Methuen, 1980. (or Berkeley: University of
  California Press, 1980)
   OCLC    7655358 (London) 22
           654916 (London, 1961) 189
           7494037 (Berkeley)
        2               1

  Hill. Metals of the Renaissance. Oxford, 1920.
      No records found.

  Hillier, Bevis. Art Deco of the 20s and 30s. New York:Studio
  Vista/Dutton, 1968.
   OCLC    40363 160
           11497979 (1985, revised) 327
        1               0

  Hinks, Peter. Jewellery. Illustrated by Martin Battersby.
  London: P. Hamlyn., c1969.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    18357200 5

  Hinks, Peter. Nineteenth Century Jewellery. London: Faber,
   OCLC    1630329 (both in EU) 2
           1993380 87
        3               3

  *Hinks, Peter. Twentieth Century British Jewellery, 1900-
  1980. London: Faber, 1983.
       Hinks has also written the introduction to Victorian
      Jewelry: An Illustrated Collection of Exquisite 19th
      Century Jewelry. New York: Portand House, c 1991. OCLC
      #24464389 shows only 1 holding, in New York.
   OCLC    12455930 (all in EU) 3
           9392329 148

  Hoffman, H. and Davidson. P.F. Greek Gold. Brooklyn Museum,
  1965. Hoffman, Herbert and and Patricia F. Davidson. Edited
  by Axel von Saldern. Greek Gold: Jewelry from the Age of
  Alexander. Mainz:  von Zabern. 1965.
   OCLC    63472 22
           20080803 (Boston. 1966) 2
           327592 (VA Museum) 197

  !Holme. Charles. Modern Design in Jewellery and Fans. 1902.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
      Master microfilm is held by The Library of Congress.
   OCLC    2534148 (1902 edition) 78
           22541624 (1900) 3
        2               1

  Hornung. Clarence P. A Source Book of Antiques and Jewelry
  Design. New York: George Brazillier, 1963.
   OCLC    439469 264
           a 1976 reprint 28
        1               0

  Hughes, Graham. The Art of Jewelry. New York: The Viking
  Press, 1972.
      The Art of Jewelry is subtitled: A Survey of Craft and
   OCLC    19721013 273
           1107559 4
        2               1

  Hughes, Graham. Jewelry. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1966.
   OCLC    263324 67
        1               0

  Hughes, Graham. Modern Jewelry: An International Survey, 1890-1963.
  New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1963.
   OCLC    i 576976 252
           21546900 2
        2               6

  Jeffson, Lawrence. Fabulous Frauds. London, 1970.

  Jenkins, Marilyn. Islamic Jewellery in the Metropolitan
  Museum of Art. New York, 1983.
      Extensive bibliography.
   OCLC    8494475 72

  Jernigan, E. Wesley. Jewelry of the Prehistoric Southwest.
  Santa Fe: School of American Research, 1978.
      An extensive bibliography, his book is indexed and
      contains illustrations and eight leaves of plates.
   OCLC    19771206 427

  Jessup, Ronald Frederick. Anglo-Saxon Jewellery. London:
  Faber and Faber, 1950.
      Reprinted in 1974 in Aylesbury.
   OCLC    2158082 82
           3046414 (New York: Praeger, 1953) 60
           1120277 (1974) 43

  @Johnson, Ada Marshall. Hispanic Silverwork. New York, 1944.
      There are 266 illustrations in this 308-page book.
   OCLC    691580 63
        1               1

  !Jones, William. History [and Mystery] of Precious Stones.
  London: R. Bentley and Sons, 1880.
      The book includes bibliographical footnotes.
   OCLC    4803822 22
           24730959 Microfilm
           442259 (1968, Detroit: Singing Tree Press) 169

  Kagan, Ju. Western European Cameos in the Hermitage
  Collection. Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1973.
      There are 101 leaves of plates.
   OCLC    1118436 26
        1               1

  @King, Charles William. Antique Gems and Rings. Vol. 1 and 2.
  London: Bell and Daldy, 1887.
      Volume I is text Volume 2, illustrations. The
      bibliographic record states. "Works upon the glyptic art
      and cabinets of gems is found in volume 1, p 462-470.
   OCLC    7656100 26
        1               0

  !King, Charles William. Handbook of Engraved Gems. London:
  George Bell and Sons, 1885.
   OCLC    17138569 (Microfilm at LC)
           3011000 26
           23026707 (2nd ed, 1885) 2
           17126810 (Microfilm at LC)
           397198 (2nd ed.,1885) 31
        1               0

  Koch, Robert. English Artistic American: Tiffany Glass and
  Art Nouveau. See Bing, Samuel.

  Koch, Robert. Louis C. Tiffany, Rebel in Glass. New York:
  Crown Publishers, Inc., 1964.
   OCLC    13634805 (1958) 6
           5655751 (1958) 15
           1964 488
        2               0

The following listing of books by George Frederick Kunz is by no means complete. OCLC records have been checked, there are over 82 records. The Robert T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information Center in Santa Monica, California hold many of his books. The U.S. Geological Society Library has a special George Frederick Kunz. Collection A number of Kunz's books have been reprinted by Dover Publishers.

  +Kunz, George F. Gems and Precious Stones of North America.
           1               0

  +Kunz, George F. Natal Stones-Birth Stones, Sentiments and
  Superstitions Associated with Precious Stones. 1911.
           1               0

  +Kunz. George F. The Curious Lore of Precious Stones. 1913.
           1               0

  +Kunz, George F. The Magic of Jewels and Charms. 1915.
           1               1

  @Kunz. George F. Ivory and the Elephant, in Art, in
  Archeology, and in Science. Garden City, New York: Doubleday,
  Page and Company, 1916.
   OCLC    1834101 1 2
        1               2

  Kunz, George F. Shakespeare and Precious Stones. 1916.
           1               0

  +Kunz, George F. Rings for the Finger. 1917.
           1               1

  Kunz, G.F. and C. H. Stevenson. The Book of the Pearl. 1908.
           1               2

  !Labarte, Charles Jules. Handbook of the Arts of the Middle
  Ages and Renaisance, as Applied to the Decoration of
  Furniture, Arms, Jewels. Translated from the French of M.
  Jules Labarte by Mrs. Palliser. London: John Murray,
  Albemarle Street, 1855 (London: Bradbury and ns, Printers,
       The record states: "Translated by Mrs. Palliser. - With
      a list of works on fine arts and a 32-page catalog of
      works published by Mr. Murray, advertisements for the
      illustrated handbooks of architecture by James Ferguson.
      This is a reproduction of the original in the Victoria
      and Albert Museum, London " The Microfiche (11 sheets) by
      produced by Chadwyck-Healy Ltd. in 1988 as part of The
      Nineteenth Century: Visual Arts. The only copy
      (microfiche) in the United States is at Rice University
      in Houston, Texas. The book in French, Histoire des arts
      industriels au moyen age et a l'epoque de la renaissance,
      is held in the United States in limited quantities:
   OCLC    3084510 (1864) 13
           2568060(1872) 29

  @Labarte, Charles Jules. Recherches sur la Peinture en Email.
  Pans: Didron, 1856.
   OCLC    3343618 10

  Lacroix, E. See Moureau, L.

  +Lanllier. Jean and Marie Anne Pini. Cinq siecles de
  joaillerie en Occident. Paris, 1971.
      Contains a preface by G. Boucheron, 336 pages, and a
   OCLC    20144555 (c1971, Fribourg: Office du Livre) 2
           1423515 (Paris: Bibliotecheque des Arts) 12
           11479980 (New York: Leon Amiel, 1983) 77
           11387839 (New York: Arch Cape, 1989) 72

  Larroumet, Gustave. See Champier.

  +Lesieutre, Alain. The Spirit and Splendor of Art Deco. New
  York: Padington Press, Ltd., 1974.
      There are 304 pages, with illustrations and a brief
      bibliography. Castle Books reprinted this in 1978.
   OCLC    994723 372
        1               0

  @Lewis, M.D.S. Antique Paste Jewellery. London. Reprint,
   OCLC    109733 155
        2               2

  Lorenzen, Jens Ruediger. Schmach Objekte. Nuremburg. 1982.
      No records found.

  Luthmer, F. Gold and Silver. Leipzig, 1888.

  @Luther, F. Gold and Silver. Leipzig. 1888.
      An interesting citation, Gold and Silver is the subtitle
      of: Handbuch der EdelschmiedeKunst, published by E. A.
   OCLC    8915523 4

  Madsen, Steven Tschudi. See Tschudi-Madsen, Steven.

  +Marshall, Frederick Henry. Catalogue of the Finger Rings:
  Greek, Etruscan and Roman. London, 1907.
   OCLC    3784678 26
           164199 (1968, photolithographic reprint) 37

  +Marshall, Frederick Henry. Catalogue of the Jewellery,
  Greek, Etruscan and Roman in the Departments of Antiquities,
  British Museum. London, 1911.
   OCLC    3732488 28
           35031 (1969, photolithographic reprint) 53

  Marshall, Roslind K. and George R. Dalgleish, ed. The Art of
  Jewellery in Scotland. Edinburgh: HMSO., 1991.
   OCLC    24747936 1 (in Europe)

  Maxwell-Hyslop, Kathleen Rachel. Western Asiatic Jewelry:
  c3000-612 B.C. London: Methuen [nd].
      The Library of Congress subject heading places this book
      under Middle East Antiquities, not jewelry.
   OCLC    8657676 (1974) 2
           240967(1971) 136
           16213573 (1971) 3 (in Europe)

  !Menant, Joachim M. Les pierre grav'ees de la Haute-Asie;
  recherches sur la glyptique orientale. Paris: Maisonneuve et
  Cie, 1883-1886. Menant J. Recherches sur la Glyptique
  Orientale. 1886.
   OCLC    7006078 4
           17136654 Library of Congress Microfilm
        1               1

  Menten, Theodore. The Art Deco Style. New York: Dover
  Publications, Inc., 1972.
      Subtitled: in household objects, architecture, sculpture,
      graphics, jewelry; 468 authentic examples.
   OCLC    16252476 (1972) 4 (only 1 in US)
           532388 544

  Meusnier. G. Die franzosische Juwelierkunst. Stuttgart, 1901.
  Also cited as Die franzosische Juwelierkunst.
      No records found.

  Meyer, Franz Sales. The Handbook of Ornament. New York:
  Wilcox & Follett Co., 1945.
      There are over 5O OCLC records spanning 1892-1945 for
      this title alone.
           1               0

  +Middleton, John Henry. The Engraved Gems of Classical Times:
  With a catalogue of the gems in the Fitz-William Museum.
  London: Cambridge University Press, 1891.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    1243829 (1891)
           19750331 68
           20941 (1969)
        1               0

  @Middleton, J. Henry. The Lewis Collection of Gems and Rings.
  London: C.J. Clay & Sons, 1892.
      This is a 93-page catalog with a bibliography.
   OCLC    18302987 5
           22040394 2
        1               0

  Miller, Anna M. Cameos Old and New. New York: Van Nostrand
  Reinhold, 1991.
   OCLC    22450662 20
        1               0

  Molinier, Emil. Dictionnaire des Emailleurs. Paris: J. Rouam,
      An 11-page bibliography. The full title is Dictionnaire
      des emailleurs, depuis le moyen age jusqu'a la fin du
      XVIII siecle ouvrage accompagn de 67 marquier et
   OCLC    5331138 16

  Morley, John. Death, Heaven, and the Victorian. [Pittsburgh]:
  University of Pittsburgh Press, [c1971].
   OCLC    258429 478
           446525 (London, 1971) 32
        1               0

  Moureau. L. Guide pratique du bijouterie. Pans, 1863.
      Full title: Guide pratique de bijoutier, application de
      l'harmonie des couleurs dans la juxtaposition de peirres
      pr'ecieuses des 'emaux et de l'or de coleur. Paris.
      Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, E.
      Lacrois, editor. 1893.
   OCLC    6972811

  Mourey, G. Art Nouveau Jewelry and Fans. Aymer Vallance et
  al., 1900. Reprinted 1973. New York: Dover, 1973.
   OCLC    821033 (1973) 3
        2               3

  Muller, Helen. Jet. London: Butterworths, 1987.
   OCLC    14587139 1 (UK)
           14356002 83
        1               0

  Muller, Helen. Jet Jewellery and Ornaments. Aylesbury, Bucks,
  England: Shire, 1980.
   OCLC    10386347 6
           7756865 16
           15594159 (1986 printing) 3
        1               0

  @Muller, Priscilla E. Jewels in Spain, 1500-1800. New York:
  Hispanic Society of America, 1972.
      This book is considered a very scholarly treatment, Anna
      Somers Cocks mentions the numerous archival sources the
      author is familiar with in Introduction to Courtly
   OCLC    2769905 36
           480628 93

  *Munn, Geoffrey. Castellani & Guilano: Revivalist Jewellers
  of the Nineteenth Century. New York: Rizzoli, 1986.
      Also cataloged as Les bijoutiers Castellani et Guilano
      [Translation Of] One of the editions (OCLC 16393670)
      claims to have a companion catalog.
   OCLC    16393670 (1984, New York)
           20564668 (1984, London: Trefoil) 2
           11082478 (1984) 12
           10301520 (Rizzoli) 151
           11191319 (1984) 2
        1               2

  Murray, John. Gems, Selected from the Antique. London, C.
  Whittingham, 1804.
      No records found.
           1               0

  @Murray, John. A Memoire on the Diamond. 1839.
      This book is probably not on acid paper, at the same time
      the fact that only 4 copies of A Memoire are listed in
      OCLC is a concern. Memoire is held by the Richard T.
      Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information Center,
      Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    24415423 1 (in Europe)
           6973490 3
        1               0

  *Nadelhoffer, Hans. Cartier: Jewelers Extraordinary. New
  York: Henry N. Abrams, Inc., 1984.
   OCLC    1030004 296
           12506274 (London edition) 25

  @Natter, Lorenz. Traite de la methode antique de graver en
  peirres fines, Comparee avec la methode moderne. London,
  Impr. d J. Haberkorn & comp., chez l'auteur, 1854.
   OCLC    18304086
        1               0

  Naylor, Gillian. The Arts and Crafts Movement: a study of its
  sources, ideals and influence on design theory. London, 1971
  and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1971.
      This book has a comprehensive index and bibliography.
   OCLC    7076324 235
           257262 139
           6750785 (reprint, 1980) 6
           330019 (reprint, 1980) 233
           20419083 (2nd Edition, London: Trefoil, 1989) 2
           24712776 (2nd Edition, London: Trefoil, 1990)
           22478848 (2nd Edition, London: Trefoil, 1990) 29
        1               1

  Newable. Brian. Practical Enamelling and Jewelry Work. New
  York: The Viking Press, 1967.
   OCLC    956109 21
           249947 258
        1               0

  Newman, Harold. An Illustrated Dictionary of Jewellery. New
  York: Thames and Hudson, 1981.
      Printed and reprinted between 1974 and 1987, there are 13
      records with many holdings (500+) in the OCLC database.
           2               1

  Newton. Charles Thomas. Report on the Campana Collection.
  London: British Museum, 1856.
      No records found.

  Newton, Charles Thomas. The Castellani Collection. 1861.
      No records found.

  O'Day. Deirdre. Victorian Jewellery. London: Charles Letts,
  Books, Ltd., 1974.
   OCLC    2089834 19
           11879706 (1982, revised edition) 68

  Ogden, Jack. Jewellery of the Ancient World. London: Trefoil
  Books, 1982.
   OCLC    9718803 280
           9693510 24

  +Oman. Charles Chichele. British Rings 800-1914. London:
  Batsford, 1974. Oman, C.C. Catalogue of Rings. London:
  Published under the authority of the Board of Education,
   OCLC    1422329 (the original) 24
           934984 (1974) 31
           703063 (1974, Totawa, NJ) 113

  !Osborne, Duffield. Engraved Gems. New York: Henry Holt and
  Company, 1912.
      Columbia University Libraries holds the microfilm for
      this 424 page book with 32 full page plates.
   OCLC    23754676 (Microfilm)
        1               1

  @Pack, Greta. Jewelry and Enameling. New York: Van Nostrand,
   OCLC    1320193 169
           1317596 (1953) 119
           625640 (3rd Edition, 1961) 202

  @Pack;, Greta and Mary L. David. Mexican Jewelry. Austin:
  University of Texas Press, 1963.
      This may be the first definitive book on this topic.
   OCLC    880649 440

  *Parker, Lesley. Renaissance Jewels and Jeweled Objects from
  the Melvin Gutman Collection. Baltimore Museum of Art, 1968.
   OCLC    6727313 89
           1705665 122

  @Percival, MacIver. Chats on Old Jewellery [and Trinkets].
  New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1912.
      Over 300 illustrations add to the charm of this 384-page
   OCLC    3457412 18
           2473287 41

  Peter, Mary. Collecting Victorian Jewellery. London:
  MacGibbon & Kee, 1970.
   OCLC    135149 10
           123763 (NY, 1971) 90
        1               3

  *Poynder, Michael. The Price Guide to Jewellery, 3000 B.C.-
  1950 A.D. Suffolk: Antique Collectors Club, Ltd., 1976
  (reprinted and revised 1981, 1985, 1988).
      This book has price updates in pamphlet form available
      every other year. This book may be one of the only
      current pricing books to be found in hardback. There are
      over ten citations in OCLC with many holdings.
           2               1

  @Prenderville, James. An Historical and Descriptive Account
  of the Famous Collection of Antique Gems possessed by the
  late Prince Poniatowski. London: Henry Graves & Co., 1841.
      The book is further described as being accompanied by
      poetical illustrations of the subjects from classical
      authors with an essay on ancient gems and gem-engraving
      by James Prenderville and Dr. Maginn.
   OCLC    1394980
        1               1

  +Purtell, Joseph. The Tiffany Touch. New York: Pocket Books,
      This is a reprint of the book. Originally published in
   OCLC    14100516 (1976) 4
           30924 (Random House, 1971) 405
           20546458 (Pocket Books,1973) 3

  Rainwater, Dorothy T. American Jewelry Manufactures. West
  Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishers, c1988.
   OCLC    17846197 82
        2               0

  Rainwater, Dorothy T. American Silver Manufacturers. Hanover,
  PA: Everybody's Press, 1966.
   OCLC    922144 259

  The Retail Jeweller's Guide. See Blackmore.

  Riester, E. Moderner schmuck und ziergeräte pflanzen und
  tierformen. Pforzheim: Haug, [n.d.].
   OCLC    8867002 2

  Roche, John Charles. The History, Development and
  Organisation of the Birmingham Jewellery and Allied Trades.
  "Thesis presented for the degree of master of commerce in the
  University of Birmingham." 1927.
   OCLC    7233825 3 (only 2 in U.S.)
        1               2

  Roessler, Leopold. Schmuck Lexikon, Nachsch lagewerk fur
  Fachausdrucke. Vienna, 1982.
      No records found.

  @Rogers, Frances and Alice Beard. 5000 Years of Gems and
  Jewelry. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1940.
      Further described as having line drawings by the authors
      and 16 illustrations in halftone.
   OCLC    962331 (Lippincott edition) 8
           1464024 162

  +Rose. Augustus F. and Antonio Cirino. Jewelry Making and
  Design. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.
      This is an illustrated textbook.
   OCLC    3358329 (1917) 71
           1672284(1946) 52
           5593325 (1949) 47
           65358(1967) 377
        1               0

  Ross, Marvin Chauncey. Faberzhe (romanized form) Illustrated
  with Objects from the Walters Gallery. Baltimore: The Walters
  Gallery, c1952.
   OCLC    4149894 3

  Ross, Marvin Chauncey. Faberzhe and His Contempories.
  Cleveland Museum of Art, 1965. !Ross, Marvin Chauncey. The
  Art of Karl Faberzhe and His Contemporaries. Oklahoma, 1965.
      There is a four-page bibliography. A forword written by
      Marjorie Merriweather Post is found in the Oklahoma
      edition. There are 238 pages. There is a 1983 photocopy
      available from University Microfilms in Ann Arbor MI.
   OCLC    I 1257742 18
           1347558 205
           4861856 Photoreproduction, 1979

  Rossi, Filippo. Italian Jeweled Arts. New York, 1954.
  Translated by Elisabeth Mans Borgese.
   OCLC    6639429 (New York: Abrams, 1954) 71
           2352000 (London: Thames and Hudson, 1957) 13
           467055 (New York: Adams, 1957) 138

  Rowe, Donald F. The Art of Jewelry. 1450-1650: A Special
  Exhibition of Jewels and Jeweled Objects from Chicago
  Collections Spring, 1975. Chicago: Loyola University of
  Chicago, 1975.
   OCLC    1703112 62 10

  @Rücklin. Rudolf. Das Schmuckbuch, unter mitwirkung von
  A. Waag, bearb. und hrs. von R. R. Rücklin. Leipzig:
  Seemann, 1901.
   OCLC    3789541 8
           11044793 (Hannover 1982?)

  !Ryley. Arthur Beresford. Old Paste. London: Methuen, 1913.
   OCLC    24001565 (Cornell master microform)
           980490 23

  Sataloff. Joseph. Art Nouveau Jewelry:  Practical Guide to
  Its History and Beauty...Bryn Mawr, PA: Dorrance Press,
      Further subtitles and information include pictures of
      over 150 pieces of jewelry and a compendium of
      international jewelers' marks. Extensive bibliography.
   OCLC    11429719 24
        3               1

  Scarisbrick, Diana. See Taylor, Yapp, Gerald, Tait, Hugh, and
  Woeriot, H.

  Schmutzler. Robert. Art Nouveau. New York: Abrams, 1962.
   OCLC    172014 805
           4939923 (1964) 27
           2691798 London, 1964) 26
           12018494 (London, 1978) 7
           3913419 (Alizana; 1980) 330
        1               2

  Selwyn, A. Se Blakemore.

  +Selz, Peter Howard, and Mildred Constantine, Editors. Art
  Nouveau. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1959.
      Distributed by Doubleday this has been reprinted twice.
      It is further described as: Art Nouveau: Art and Design
      at the Turn of the Century edited by Peter Selz and
      Mildred Constantine with articles by Greta Daniel [and
   OCLC    19005904 6
           7333021 (reprint) 77
           19720508(reprint, 1972) 174
        1               0

  Sjoberg, Jan and OVE. Working with Copper, Silver and Enamel.
  New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1974.
   OCLC    827857 171
        1               2

  @Smith, Frederick Richard. Small Jewellery. New York;
  Chicago: Pitman Publication Corporation, c1931.
   OCLC    4080484 31
           480224 (Original, printed in London) 30
        1               1

  @+Smith, Howard Clifford. Jewellery. East Ardsley, Wakefield,
  England: EP Publishing, 1973.
      Contains over 410 pages and is profusely illustrated.
      This is the reprint!
   OCLC    8522948 (1908 edition) 21
           1892006 (1908 edition) 51
           2912763(1973) 21
           218284 (1973) 8
        1               4

  Snowman, Abraham Kenneth. Carl Faberg'e, Goldsmith to the
  Imperial Court of Russia. London: Debrett's Peerage, 1979.
   OCLC    5939550 (Viking, 1979) 175
           6088570 12
           569678 (Viking, 1979) 48
           8975338 (Greenwich House, 1983) 397
        1               4

  Somers Cocks, Anna. Introduction to Courtly Jewelry  London:
  Victoria and Albert Museum/Compton Press, 1982.
   OCLC    19820507 (1982) 35
           13712095 (1982) 3
        1               0

  Sommers Cocks, Anna and Charles Truman. Renaissance Jewels,
  gold boxes, and objets de vertu. London: Sotheby Publications
  by Phillip Winston, 1984.
      There are 34 pages colored illustrations and a
      bibliography. It is the first volume describing the
      Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection.
   OCLC    10925792 4
           10723144 (Vendome edition) 74
           19673665 (1984) 5 (Only one in US)
        1               1

  Somers Cocks, Anna and Hugh Tait. See Tait.

  @Sommerville, Maxwell. Engraved Gems: Their History and Place
  in Art. Philadelphia: Sommerville, 1889.
      This was published in London in 1901. A full description
      of the book is found in the record OCLC #23025526:
      Engraved gems. their history & an elaborate view of their
      place in art in which is embodied the author's former
      treatiese with extensive revisions and additions
      reminiscenses of travels in the pursuit and acquisition
      of engraved which is added a descriptive list
      of the author s cabinet of gems forming a compendium of
      Greek and Roman classics and antiquities...
   OCLC    5914100 (1901) 18
           9260586 (1889) 7
           23025526 (1889)
           7449767 (1877, original) 8
        1               0

  @Steingräber, Erich. Antique Jewelry. New York: F.A.
  Praeger, 119571
      Originally published. Alter Schmuck: Die Kunst des
      europaischen Schmuckes. Munich. 1956. This book has been
      critically acclaimed. The subtitle found in the London
      edition: Antique jewelry; its history in Europe from 800
      to 1900.
   OCLC    1246118 160
           5960828 (London, 1957) 11
        1               8

  @Stopford Francis. The Romance of the Jewel. London: Hudson &
  Kearns, printed for private circulation, 1920.
      This rare book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat
      Gemological Library and Information Center, Santa Monica,
      CA 90404.
   OCLC    5985747 9
        1               1

  !Streeter, Edwin W. The Great Diamonds of the World. 1882.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    3353603 (1882) 39
           23375643 (1900) edited and annotated by Joseph Hatton and A. H. Keane
           Master Microfilm held RQM
           126555 (1971) 22
        1               1

  !Streeter, Edwin W. Pearls and Pearling Life. G. Bell & Sons,
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    6005056 9
           23375715 (Microform held by LC)
        1               1

  @Streeter, Edwin W. Precious Stones and Gems. London, Chapman
  & Hall, 1877.
      The subtitle read*: Their History and Distinguishing
      Characteristics. This book is held by the Richard T.
      Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information Center,
      Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    3884415 (American, 1887) 4
           5623461 (London) 7
           1667147 (2nd Ed., London) 4
           834560 (3rd Ed., London) 4
        1               2

  Sutherland, Carol Humphrey Vivian. Gold: Its Beauty, Power
  and Allure. London: Thames and Hudson, c1959.
   OCLC    2092631 62
        1               0

  *Tait, Hugh, editor. Jewelry, 7000 Years: An International
  History and Illustrated Survey from Collections in the
  British Museum. New York: Abrams, 1987.
   OCLC    13709963 518
           22544469 32
        1               0

  Tait, Hugh, and Charlotte Gere, editors. The Art of the
  Jeweller. [The Jewellers Art] A Catalogue of the Hull Grundy
  Gilt to the British Museum. 2 Vol. England: British Museum
      This two-volume set is often confused with The Jewellers
      Art: An Introduction to the Hull Grundy Gift to the
      British Museum, published in 1978. OCLC holding for this
      short catalog are: 16431021-3 6627549-17 and 6546317-2.
      The small number of holdings for both these items is
      evidence of an access problem yet the total number of
      scholars and bibliographies is quiet strong.
   OCLC    12584515 2 (both in Europe)
           11482949 25
        2               5

  +Tavernier, Jean Baptiste. Les Six Voyages de Jean Baptiste
  Tavernier [1679] Translated by V. Ball. 1889.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    12164120 (reprint, 1965) 5
           3077283 (1930) 14
        1               1

  Taylor, Gerald. Introduction by Diana Scarisbrick. Finger
  Rings from Ancient Egypt to the Present Day. London, 1978.
   OCLC    4808163 31

  Thieme, Ulrich, Fred C. Willis and Hans Vollmer, editors.
  Allegmines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike
  bis zur Gegenwart: Unter Mitwirkung von 300 Fachgelehrten des
  In-und Auslandes. Leipzig: E.A. Seemann, [1907]-1950.
   OCLC    9620502 (37 Volumes)
           23232852 (37 Volumes)
        1               3

  @Tiffany and Co. Catalogue of a Collection of Precious and
  Ornamental Stones of North America. New York: DeVinne Press,
      Published for the Exposition Universal in Paris 1889.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    11542461 4
        1               0

  Tiffany and Co. See Heydt, George Frederic.

  Tschudi-Madsen, Steven. Sources of Art Nouveau. New York,
      The English translation of this book is by Ragnar
      Christophersen. The book was originally published in
      Oslo: H. Aschehoug. It has an extensive bibliography and
      over 250 illustrations.
   OCLC    4899655 21
           1369378 (Oslo, 1956) 3
           845227 (New York: Wittenborg, 1956) 170
           93700380 (New York: Wittenborg, 1971) 4
           1174710 (New York: DaCapo Press, 1975) 125
           2465139 (New York: Da Capo Press, 1976) 99
        1               1

  Turner, R. Contemporary Jewellery.[:A Critical Assessment,
  1945-1975] London: Studio Vista, 1976.
   OCLC    2913736 16
           2108598 13
           1975965 (New York) 130

  Twining, Edward Francis. A History of the Crown Jewels of
  Europe. London: B.T. Batsford, [ 19601.
      One of the most expensive books to replace this book is
      sitting in open slacks in most libraries.
   OCLC    1577527 (1958) 154
           42404 12 (1959) 25
           860208 (1960, revised) 40
           4573 (1969, 2nd revision) 259
           31737 (1969, 3rd revision) 29
        1               2

  Underwood, J.A. See Hapsburg-Lothringen.

  @+Vever, Henri. [Histoire de] la Bijouterie Francaise au xix
  siecle. Paris: H. Floury, 1906-1908.
      This three-volume reprint costs  650.00 or more to
      acquire if you can find it. This book is held by the
      Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information
      Center. Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    3351528 19
           3997294 (reprint, 1975?) 2
        3               6

  !Wigley, Thomas B. The Art of the Goldsmith and Jeweller.
  London: C. Griffin and Company, Limited, 1898.
      This book is held by the Richard T. Liddicoat Gemological
      Library and Information Center, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
   OCLC    6788611 (1980, reprint) 5
           1921765 (1898) 8
           4237677 (1911, 2nd. Ed.) 14
           12351059 (2nd Ed., enlarged with numerous illustrations)
           22930103 (2nd Ed., same as above) Microfilm held by RQM I
        1               1

  Wilkinson, Alix. Ancient Egyptian Jewellery. London: Methuen,
   OCLC    2779770 114
           2234045 (1973) 3

  !Wilson. H. Silverwork and Jewellery. Reprinted in London,
      This is a 490 page-textbook for students and workers in
      metal originally written in 1903? The OCLC records show
      printing dates: 1903 with three holdings, 1912 with 22
      holdings and 18 hoklings and 1962 with 11 holdings.
   OCLC    17110503 (1903 edition) Microfilm 2
           4929078 (1912 edition in collaboration with Professor
           Unno Bisei, New York: Appleton, 1912) 22

  +Woeiriot. Pierre. Livre d'aneaux d'orfevrerie. Oxford:
  Ashmolean Museum, 1978.
      This is a first edition facsimilie reprint of a book
      originally published by G. Roville Lyons in 1531. It
      includes a bibliography 40 plates and an introductory
      essay by Diana Scarisbrick.
   OCLC    5442286 9

  Wolfers. Marcel. Phillippe Wolfers. Brussells: Edition
  Meddens puor le Ministere de l'education nationale wr de la
  culture, 1965.
      Other titles are. Phillippe Wolfers, precurseur de l 'Art
      Nouveau Introduction by Francois Martt (1965) and
      Phillippe Wolfers voorloper van newe kunst (1965).
   OCLC    3517281 8
           1367367 4

  @Yapp. George Wagstaffe, editor. Art Industry: Metal-Work
  Illustrating the Chief Processes of Art-Work Applied by the
  Goldsmith, Silversmith, Jeweller, Brass, Copper, Iron, and
  Steelworker, Bronzist, etc....with about 1,200 engravings and
  diagrams. London: Virtue & Co., Limited, [1878].
   OCLC    3752988 5

  Zazoff. Peter. Die antiken Gemmen. Munich: C.H. Beck, c1983.
      There are 446 pages 132 pages of plates a bibliography
      and index. It is cataloged as a handbook or manual].
   OCLC    ? 69

  Zucker. Benjamin. Gems and Jewels: A Connoisseur's Guide.
  London: Thames and Hudson, 1984.
   OCLC    13120853 6
           12507161 36
           11460398 (New York) 206

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