Special Instructions for Preservation Microfilming Pages Containing Stratigraphic Objects

George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida

Pages containing stratigraphic objects are often found in scrapbooks, diaries, and unconventional book structures. Such pages include parts which display one or more of the following characteristics:

The presence or manipulation of a part obscures or uncovers other parts of the same page. As opposed to other items or pages which are two dimensional, those containing stratigraphic objects are three dimensional. Information, whether textual or graphic contained in such materials can not be captured by normal filming. Variant meaning or interpretation of such materials may depend upon juxtaposition and layering. These relationships can be captured only by filming "before" and "after" images. Such materials will be filmed in the manner specified below. The term "shall" is used to indicate required action. The term "should" is used to indicate a preferred action.

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