Conservation Topics
of Relevance to Latin America
Furthering the field of conservation requires the dissemination of
information, from the preservation of cultural property as an ideal
to the hands-on techniques of conservation treatment. While some
aspects of the profession may be better learned while watching an
expert, one may also gain valuable information by reading. So far,
there are few available electronic manuals in Spanish or Portuguese.
Here is a sample of webpages that provide useful information on
conservation "hot topics," such as book repair techniques and
- Building Design:
IFLA Section on
Library Buildings and Equipment: Collects information on
building design and standards for libraries the world over.
Emphasizes building design in developing countries.
- History of the Book:
del Libro: De los origenes de la escritura al CD-ROM: A virtual
history of the book, from the Museo del Libro, Spain.
- General:
Conservation Online
(CoOL): The ultimate U.S. conservation online source. Includes
the archives of the related distlist. To participate, email a query
to request( 
and type "subscribe consdist YourFirstName YourLastName." The
DistList is moderated, and is conducted in English, although queries
are posted from all corners of the globe.
Newsletter Search: Printed in Austin, Texas, this preservation
publication's online archive allows one to search in a variety of
different ways. Entering "Latin America," for example, will bring
up references to some articles listed in the research paper linked
to the main page.
Back to Main page.
Please send comments to
Last updated June 21, 1997.