
Reports and Publications

The production of Latin American library and archive conservation journals, newsletters, books and pamphlets is on the increase; some research institutions and national archives publish regularly on preservation topics. However, most of these resources still exist only in print form.

Reports on the status of conservation of cultural patrimony form another important section of preservation literature. Below are a few examples of government accords and institutional project and standards reports.

BookLab Notes: Full text publications on a variety of conservation topics. Currently only in English, but some print versions have been translated into Spanish.

El Punto: Magazine with Spanish-language articles on a variety of art topics, including conservation and restoration.

Getty Information Institute, International Documentation Standards for the Protection of Cultural Objects: Of interest to conservators of a variety of materials.

Commission on Preservation and Access Report: "Preservation Priorities in Latin America," by Dan C. Hazen: An excellent publication that summarizes the decisions made by the delegates to the August 1994 IFLA convention in Havana, Cuba. In English.

"Digital Collections Inventory Report" by Patricia McClung: Also a Commission on Preservation and Access publication, this one online. Provides links to a number of large-scale digitization projects, including a few along Latin American and Caribbean themes. In English.

Tuxtla II Conference: An agreement of February 16, 1996 among Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, México and Belize on many issues, including cooperation in the preservation of cultural property. In Spanish. -->

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Last updated June 21, 1996.

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