Reilly, James M. The Albumen & Salted Paper Book: The history and practice of photographic printing, 1840-1895. Light Impressions Corporation. Rochester, 1980.

References for Illustrations


The author wishes to thank those people and institutions which assisted him in locating and reproducing the illustrations for this book. Thanks are due to Robert Bretz, librarian at The Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, New York, to Gladys Taylor, archivist at Rochester Institute of Technology, to Jeffrey Wolin, director of reproduction services and Susan Wyngaard, director of the research center at George Eastman House, and also to Prof. Joseph Noga of the School of Printing, Rochester Institute of Technology. The permission of the institutions named above to reproduce the illustrations is also gratefully acknowledged.

Fig. 1 .J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1893), p. 103.

Fig. 2. Alfred Watkins, The Watkins Manual, Hereford (1903), 2nd ed., p. 126.

Fig. 3. Charles W. Hearn, The Practical Printer, pub. Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia (1878), 2nd ed., p. 16.

Fig. 4. W. Jerome Harrison, The Chemistry of Photography, Scovill & Adams, New York(1892), p.44.

Fig. 5. W. I. Scandlin, ed., The International Annual of Anthony's Photographic Bulletin and American Process Year-Book, 1901, E. & H. T. Anthony, New York (1901), adv. p. 1.

Fig. 6. A. H. Elliott and F. P. Smith, eds., The International Annual of Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, 1894, E. & H. T. Anthony, New York (1894), adv. p. 58.

Fig. 7. Alexander Watt, The Art of Papermaking, Crosby Lockwood & Son, London (1901), 2nd ed., p.23.

Fig. 8. Harry R. Lewis, Productive Poultry Husbandry, J. P. Lippincott, Philadelphia (1913), p. 78.

Fig. 9. The Magazine of Science and School of Arts, Vol. 4, No. 1 (April 27, 1839).

Fig. 10. J.M. Eder, Der Collodion und Daguerreotyp-Process, und ältere Negativ-Processe, Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1893), p. 84. Fig. 11. Ibid., p.85.

Fig. 12. J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1893), p. 120.

Fig. 13. H. Baden Pritchard, ed., The Year Book of Photography and Photographic News Almanac, 1885, Piper and Carter, London (1885), p. 1x.

Fig. 14. Giuseppe Pizzighelli, Anleitung Zur Photographie, Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1914), 2nd ed., p.404.

Fig. 15 .J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1898), p. 121.

Fig. 16. Ibid., p. 121.

Fig. 17. Ibid., p. 122.

Fig. 18. Ibid., p. 123.

Fig. 19. Ibid., p. 123.

Fig. 20. Ibid., p. 124.

Fig. 21. The Photographic News, 1(12), 119(1858).

Fig. 22. Charles W. Hearn, The Practical Printer, pub. Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia (1874), p. 202.

Fig. 23. J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle(1893), p. 73.

Fig. 24. W. I. Lincoln Adams, ed., The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, 1894, Scovill & Adams, New York (1894), p.13.

Fig. 25. W. B. Bolton, ed., The British Journal Photographic Almanac and Photographer's Daily Companion for 1882, H. Greenwood, London (1882), p. cxxxvi.

Fig. 26. Photographic Mosaics, Edward L. Wilson, pub., Philadelphia (1878), p. 100.

Fig. 27. Paris Photo-Gazette, April 25, 1909, p. xiv.

Fig. 28. Edward L. Wilson, Wilson's Quarter Century in Photography, pub. Edward L. Wilson, New York (1887), p. 449.

Fig. 29. Charles W. Hearn, The Practical Printer, pub. Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia (1878) 2nd ed., p. 18.

Fig. 30. Matthew Carey Lea, A Manual of Photography, privately printed, Philadelphia (1871), 2nd ed., p. 145.

Fig. 31 .J. Traill Taylor, ed., The British Journal Almanac and Photographer's Daily Companion for 1887, Henry Greenwood & Co., London (1887), adv. p. ccviii.

Fig. 32. J.M. Eder, Das Atelier und Laboratorium des Photographen, Wilhelm Knapp, Halle(1893), p.47.

Fig. 33. Hermann W. Vogel, Handbuch der Photographic, Part III, Section II. Die Photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silber, Eisen, Chrom und Uransalzen, Gustav Schmidt, Berlin (1889), p. 34.

Fig. 34. J.M. Eder, Das Atelier und Laboratorium des Photographen, Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1893), p. 48.

Fig. 35. Ibid, p.47.

Fig. 36 Andrew Pringle, Practical Photomicrography, Scovill & Adams, New York (1890), p. 117.

Fig. 37. Charles W. Hearn, The Practical Printer, pub. Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia (1878), 2nd ed., p. 17.

Fig. 38. J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1893), p. 126.

Fig. 39. Elbert Anderson, The Skylight and the Dark-Room, Benerman & Wilson, Philadelphia(1872), p. 165.

Fig. 40. M. Albert, La Photographic Moderne, G. Masson, Paris (1896), p. 442.

Fig. 41. H. J. Rodgers, Twenty-Three Years Under a Skylight, pub. H. J. Rodgers, Hartford (1872), errata page.

Fig. 42. J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle (1893), p. 136.

Fig. 43. A. H. Elliott and F. P. Smith, eds., The International Annual of Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, 1894, E. & H. T. Anthony, New York (1894), adv. p.75.

Fig. 44. H. Baden Pritchard, ed., The Year Book of Photography and Photographic News Almanac, 1884, Piper & Carter, London (1884), front advertising pages.

Fig. 45 .J.M. Eder, Die photographischen Copirverfahren mit Silbersalzen (PositivProzess), Wilhelm Knapp, Halle(1893), p. 142.

Fig. 46. P. H. Emerson, Naturalistic Photography for Students of the Art, Scovill & Adams, New York (1899), p.281.

Fig. 47. Edward L. Wilson, Wilson's Quarter Century in Photography, pub. Edward L. Wilson, New York (1887),p. 281.