WAAC Newsletter

Volume 20, Number 1
Jan 1998


President's Letter
John Griswold

Access to Professional Resources at the Getty (or The Getty Center for Dummies)
Carolyn Tallent

108 Suggerimenti per Presentazioni Efficaci
Carolyn Tallent

Clarifying the Haze, Efflorescence on Works of Art
Eugena Ordonez
John Twilley

Contracts: Who's in Charge Here?
Virginia N. Naud�

Contracts: A Lawyer's View
Tom Case

WAAC Annual Meeting: Presentation Summaries
Carolyn Tallent

Regional News, Jill Sterrett, editor

Technical Exchange, Dean Yoder, editor

Publications of Interest, Carolyn Tallent, editor

Health and Safety, Chris Stavroudis, editor

Conference Review, Frank Preusser, Irene Konifal

AYMHM: Articles You May Have Missed, Susana Zubiate, editor

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