Journal of Conservation &
Museum Studies
No. 8, November 2002


Jacinta Boon Nee Loh

MA in Principles of Conservation, 2001
Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY, United Kingdom


Art may be entwined with religion, encompassing a spiritual message beyond artistic form and design. The thangka is one such sacred art in this world. Each thangka is created for a specific purpose and will always be different from other ones. It is for this reason and other values that they are conserved for the present and the future. The thangka poses complex challenges for conservators because of its composite nature and the wealth of values it embodies. It demands a balanced approach that looks into its material and conceptual integrity. Each of us has different aesthetic standards in interpretation of the thangka. This research explores the approaches and perspectives of thangka conservation, in particular embroidered/applique thangkas and the influence of their significance in the decision-making process of their conservation. Through this investigation, the author establishes a framework of decision-making and her perspectives to thangka conservation. Full text PDF

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Copyright © Jacinta Boon Nee Loh, 2001. All rights reserved.