Journal of Conservation
& Museum Studies: Guidelines

Scope of papers

Papers written for the Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies (JCMS) should focus either on issues and techniques in conservation, or on museum studies and collections care. Papers should reflect work done by students during conservation or museum studies training programs. Information already covered by existing papers in JCMS will normally be declined. Papers must be written in English.

Review and submission process for papers

Students who have written papers for JCMS are expected to submit their papers in the first instance to the head of their training program (or delegated member of staff). This head of program will act as referee for the paper, and should assist the student in bringing the paper to publication quality. Once this is achieved, the program head should forward the paper to the Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies.

The name of the training program to which the student is attached will be prominently displayed in the published paper immediately under the author's name.

Once received by JCMS the papers may be edited for clarity or style. If the JCMS editorial board feels more significant changes need to be made, the paper will be referred back to the author's head of program. In most cases the paper will be published in the following issue provided the paper has been approved by the head of program.

The following issues should be addressed by the head of program:

Authors will be notified, before the official publication date, of a Web location in which they can proof-read for corrections. Alterations should be kept to a minimum. Authors are responsible for all opinions expressed, as well as for obtaining the necessary copyright permissions for reproducing text or illustrations.

Submission of text

The text is expected to be submitted on disk (either IBM or Macintosh format, in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, otherwise as ASCII text), or via the internet, through e-mail or FTP site. Sections in the text should be indicated, and should include the following:

Hyper-text mark up will be done by JCMS staff. Therefore, the author should clearly indicate where sections begin and end, where illustrations would most appropriately be placed, and any other levels of heading.


Due to the large amount of bandwidth needed to transmit illustrations over the internet, illustrations should be chosen with the intent of conveying specific information. The text of the paper should be complete without the submitted illustrations, as many internet users still use non-graphic browsers, or elect not to download images.

Submitted illustrations should be prints or artwork of under A4 size (approximately 8.5x11 inches), colour, or black and white. Black and white is preferred, unless a colour image is necessary to convey particular information. Scanned images may also be submitted, preferably in TIFF, GIF, or JPEG format.

Tables and graphs should be submitted in a level of detail suitable for publication (laser-printer quality). Images will be significantly reduced on some computer screens, a fact which should be taken into consideration by authors.


References & Bibliography

Text references should appear in the text in this manner (past issues may be consulted for proper style):

(James 1995)
(James 1995; Bacon 1987)
(James & Bacon 1995)
(James, Bacon, et al. 1994) [if more than 2 authors]
James (1965) mentioned this property

Full bibliographic details should be submitted for each reference, and full URL for hypertext links. All papers will have hypertext links to their reference list.



Numbers should be in SI units. Chemicals should follow IUPAC (International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry) nomenclature. Other international standards should be used where they exist.


Contacting JCMS

Please address all questions and comments to: E-mail:

Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies
Institute of Archaeology
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PY

Copyright © Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 1996-2001. All rights reserved.