JAIC 2003, Volume 42, Number 3, Article 4 (pp. 419 to 424)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 2003, Volume 42, Number 3, Article 4 (pp. 419 to 424)




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NANCY PURINTON graduated with an M.S. degree in art conservation from the University of Delaware program at Winterthur. She had internships at Harvard University and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, both of which resulted in published research. She was the curator of conservation at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California, and then moved to Philadelphia, where she became a senior paper conservator at the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts. Currently she is the paper conservator for the National Park Service at the Department of Conservation in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Address: National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, P.O. Box 50, Harpers Ferry, W. Va. 25425

Copyright � 2003 American Institution for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works