JAIC 2002, Volume 41, Number 1, Article 2 (pp. 13 to 19)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 2002, Volume 41, Number 1, Article 2 (pp. 13 to 19)




1. Clay-covered objects with painted decorations are usually found in burials of people with high status. Among the artifacts discovered during the laboratory excavation of this basketry vessel were 2 bone wands or hair ornaments, 2 carved shell birds, more than 100 turquoise beads, 12 worn pieces of stone, and 1 square stone pendant.

2. Munsell color chips are squares of solid color identified by hue/value/chroma. The Book of Color matte collection includes 1,270 color chips on 40 charts in a notebook. Under proper illumination and viewing conditions, the Munsell chips are compared to samples, thereby providing a reference point. The color notations allow for color comparisons among viewed specimens. The charts are available from GretagMacbeth at (800) 622–2384 or www.munsell.com

3. Dale Kronkright, conservator for the Conservation Laboratory of the Museum of New Mexico in Santa Fe, N. Mex., performed the FTIR analysis using a Nicolet Protegy 460 on a loose sample from clay-covered basketry vessel 3. Dr. Karen Adams, ethno-botanist, and Dr. Joe Stewart, chemist, at Lakehead University, Canada, performed SEM-EDS using a Hitachi 570 with Link Isis software.


Odegaard, N.1998. An investigation of the nature of paint on wood objects in the indigenous Southwest of North America. In Painted wood: History and conservation, ed. V.Dorge. Washington, D.C.: FAIC. 255–67.

Odegaard, N. Forthcoming. Perishable remains with human burials: A clay-covered painted basketry object from the Murray Wash Site. In Settlement history along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Vol. 2, Human remains and mortuary patterns, ed. D. E.Doyel and T. L.Hoffman.Cultural Resources Report 112. Tempe, Ariz.: Archaeological Consulting Services.

Odegaard, N., S.Carroll, and W.Zimmt. 2000. Material characterization tests for objects of art and archaeology. London: Archetype Books.

Odegaard, N., and M.Crawford. 2001. Baskets and other non-ceramic containers. In Life and death along Tonto Creek, ed. J. J.Clark and P. D.Minturen. Anthropological Papers 24. Tucson: Center for Desert Archaeology. 519–29.

Odegaard, N., and K.Hays-Gilpin. Forthcoming. Technology of the sacred? Painted basketry in the Southwest. In At the millennium: Change and challenge in the greater Southwest, ed. M.Warburton and C. M.Cameron. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.


NANCY ODEGAARD has 25 years' experience with archaeological collections in museums and excavations. She holds a B.A. (University of Redlands), M.A. (George Washington University), Certificate in Ethnographic and Archaeological Conservation (Smithsonian Institution), and Ph.D. (University of Canberra). She currently heads the conservation laboratory at the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona and works with ethnological and archaeological collections, repository collections, and various excavation projects. Address: Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721

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