JAIC 1997, Volume 36, Number 3, Article 9 (pp. 263 to 267)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1997, Volume 36, Number 3, Article 9 (pp. 263 to 267)




HUGH PHIBBS is the coordinator of graphics conservation services in the Department of Exhibitions and Loans, Conservation Division, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. He has a B.A. in philosophy from Cornell University, and an M.F.A. in painting from the University of Michigan. He has taught workshops for AIC, the conservation programs at Winterthur/University of Delaware and the State University of New York at Buffalo, the Smithsonian Resident Associates Program, and programs of the Professional Picture Framer's Association. He was co-compiler of the matting and framing section of the Book and Paper Group Outline and has written four preservation supplements and a monthly column, “Preservation Practices,” for Picture Framing Magazine. Address: National Gallery of Art, 6th St. and Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20565.

Copyright � 1997 American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works