JAIC 1995, Volume 34, Number 2, Article 2 (pp. 107 to 112)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1995, Volume 34, Number 2, Article 2 (pp. 107 to 112)




Central Processor (FP90) and hot-stage (FP82HT):

Mettler Instrument Corporation, P.O. Box 71, Hightstown, N.J. 08520–0071


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STEPHEN L. WILLIAMS is collections manager at the Natural Science Research Laboratory of the Museum of Texas Tech University and adjunct professor in the graduate Museum Science Program, Texas Tech University. He has a B.S. and an M.S. in zoology and an M.A. in museum sciences. Between 1976 and 1990, Williams was collection manager at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. During this time he participated in the development of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, the Bay Foundation pilot training program in Los Angeles, and IMS conservation projects and activities. In 1990, Williams moved to Texas Tech University, where he manages the vertebrate research collections, publishes on collection management and care, and teaches preventive conservation. Address: Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University, Box 43191, Lubbock, Tex. 79409–3191.

SARAH R. BEYER received a B.S. in textile design from the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. From 1985 to 1990, she worked as a textile designer for Burlington Industries. In 1992, she received an M.A. in museum sciences at Texas Tech University, and she is currently working on her doctorate in the School of Human Sciences at Texas Tech University. Address: College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 41162, Lubbock, Tex. 79409–1162.

SAMINA KHAN is an associate professor in the Department of Merchandising, Environmental Design, and Consumer Economics in the School of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University. She received her M.S. from the University of Illinois and Ph.D. in textile science and clothing from Texas Women's University, Denton, Texas. She has been on the faculty at Texas Tech University since 1978. During this time she has conducted research and published on many aspects of natural textiles, including thermal, solar optical, and insulative properties as well as properties of detergency. She currently teaches textile conservation, principles of textile analysis, and historic costumes. Address: College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 41162, Lubbock, Tex. 79409–1162.

Copyright � 1995 American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works