JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 1, Article 13 (pp. 107 to 115)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 1, Article 13 (pp. 107 to 115)




What continue to be nemeses in the treatment of works on paper? Overall consolidation of cleavage, the treatment of mold, the lack of completely satisfactory nonaqueous adhesives, and the costs of treatment deserve attention. For the best review of developments in treatment, readers are encouraged to consult Paper Conservation News and Institute for Paper Conservation Annual from Great Britain, Restaurator from Denmark, Abbey Newsletter from the United States, and the American Institute for ConservationBook and Paper Group Annual and Paper Conservation Catalog.

In addition to those topics brought to readers' attention in the papers in this issue on scientific research (van der Reyden 1992) and treatment in libraries and archives (Fredericks 1992), the developments in treatment identified as most current are, in summary:

  • a quality of research by conservation scientists that ventures some qualitative and quantitative guidelines about procedures and materials in actual use
  • an appreciation of systematic gradations of treatment
  • pulp delivery
  • a concern for the long-term effects of local treatment procedures
  • a greater understanding of the practice and traditions of Japanese mounting
  • accepting limitations on treatment due to tailored storage and a concern for the preservation of format
  • expanding the criteria of judgment about what constitutes good and appropriate treatment in the care of large individual works and large groups of objects.


Numerous paper conservators contributed treatment notes and photographs or reviewed preliminary outlines of this paper to ensure that the information represented some consensus for presentation to conservators with other specialties. Thanks are due to the Update organizers and speakers Victoria Blyth-Hill, Maria Fredericks, Kate Maynor, Sue Murphy, Roy Perkinson, and Dianne van der Reyden. Additional thanks are due to contributors and reviewers Bob Aitchison, Gary Albright, Sylvia Rodgers Albro, Diana Alper, Konstanze Bachman, Lorraine Bigrigg, Craigen Bowen, Silvia Brunetti, Margaret Ellis, Debra Evans, Bob Futernick, Karen Garlick, David Hanington, Robert Hauser, John Krill, Leslie Kruth, Per Laursen, Olivier Masson, Geoffrey Morrow, Frank Mowery, Kitty Nicholson, Antoinette Owen, Pia de Santis Pell, Lois Price, Marjorie Shelley, Judy Walsh, and Mark Watters.

Copyright � 1992 American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works