JAIC 1988, Volume 27, Number 2, Article 2 (pp. 64 to 86)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1988, Volume 27, Number 2, Article 2 (pp. 64 to 86)


S.M. Bradley, & A.P. Middleton


. 1Oddy, W.A., Hughes, M.J. and Baker, S., “The Washing of Limestone Sculptures from Egypt and the Middle East”, Lithoclastia, No. 2(1976) 3–10.

. 2Barton, N.G., and Blackshaw, S.M., “Statistical Evaluation of the Analyses Carried Out on Egyptian Limestone”, Lithoclastia, No 2 (1976) 11–16.

. 3Winkler, E.M., Stone: Properties and Durability In Man's Environment, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag, New York (1975)119–125.

. 4Lucas, A., Disintegration and Preservation of Building Stones in Egypt, Ministry of Fianance, Egypt, Cairo (1915).

. 5Winkler, E.M., Stone:Properties and Durability in Man's Environment, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag, New York (1975) 102–125.

. 6Arnold, A., and Zehnder, K., “Crystallisation and Habits of Salt Efflorenscences on Walls II: Conditions of Crystallization,” Proceedings 5th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Lausanne (1985) 269–278.

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. 14Bassett, J., Denney, R.C., Jeffery, G.H., and Mendham, J., Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, 4th Edition, Longman, London (1978)504–507.

. 15Experimental Methods, Test No. 1.5, Proceedings of International Symposium on the Deterioration and Protection of Stone Monuments, UNESCO-RILEM, Vol.5, Paris June 5–9, 1978.

. 16Wardlaw, N.C., and McKellar, M., “Mercury Porosimetry and the Interpretation of Pore Geometry in Sedimentary Rocks and Artificial Models”, Powder Technology, 29 (1981) 127–143.

. 17Siegel, S., Non Parametric Statistics of the Bahavioral Sciences, McGraw-Kogakusha, Tokyo, (1956) 312 pp.

. 18Calvert, S.E. “Marine Mineralogy - Mineralogy of Silica Phases in Deep Sea Cherts and Porcelanites,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A286 (1977)239–252.

. 19Brindley, G.W., and Brown, G., (editors) Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and their X-ray Identification, Mineralogical Society, London, (1980).

. 20Hassouba, H., and Shaw, H.F., “The Occurence of Palygorskite in Quaternary Sediments of the Costal Plain of North West Egypt,” Clay Minerals, 15 (1980) 77–83.

. 21Folk, R.L., “Spectral Subdivision of Limestone Types,” in Classification of Carbonate Rocks, (ed. W.E. Than), Memoir of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1 (1962) 62–84.

. 22Arnold, A., Kung, A., and Zehender, K., “Deterioration and Preservation of Carolingian and Medieval Mural Paintings in the Mustair Convent (Switzerland) Part 1 Decay Mechanisms and Preservation,” in Case Studies in the Conservation of Stone and Wall Paintings, (ed. N.S. Brommelle, and Perry Smith), IIC, Bologna (1986) 190–194.

. 23Arnold, A., and Kung, A., “Crystallization and Habits of Salt Effloresences on Walls 1: Methods of Investigation and Habits,” Proceedings of Fifth International Congress on Deterioration of Stone, Lausanne (1985) 255–267.

. 24Cooley, W.W., and Lohens, P.R., Multivariate Data Analysis, New York, (1971).

. 25Mayers, P., and Van Zelst, “Neutron Activation of Limestone Objects: A Pilot Study,” Radiochimica Acta, 24 (1977) 197–204.

. 26Unpublished work carried out at the British Museum on a group of partially metamorphosed limestone sculptures by S.M. Bradley, I. Freestone, W.A. Oddy and A.E.A. Werner.

Copyright � 1988 American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works