JAIC 1980, Volume 19, Number 2, Article 3 (pp. 75 to 88)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1980, Volume 19, Number 2, Article 3 (pp. 75 to 88)


Walter Angst


1 APPENDIX A: Bibliography

Anon. Conservation of Cultural Property, UNESCO, Paris1968, pp 309 ff, 319 ff.

Anon. Synthetic Materials used in the Conservation of Cultural Properties; Rome Center, (ICCROM) 1963, pp 21, 38, 43, 51.

Autelman, Marvin S.The Analytical Encyclopedia of Thermoplastic Materials, Sadtler Research Lab, Phila., 1974, pp 74–76.

Cagle, Charles V.Handbook of Adhesive Bonding, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973.

Feller, Robert L.Cross-Linking of Methacrylate Polymers by Ultraviolet Radiation, Paper No.73, New York Meeting American Chemical Society, Sept. 1957, Vol 17, No. 2, pp 465–470, CAL Reprint No. 714.

Golding, B.Polymers and Resins, Van Nostrand, New York, 1959, pp 5–8

Hurd, Joyce. Adhesives Guide, SIRA, 1959, pp 33 ff.

Pickett, A. G. and M. M.Lemco. Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., 1959, p 25, CAL Reprint No. 1488.

Roff, W. J. and J. R.Scott. Fibres, Films, Plastics and Rubbers, Butterworths, London, 1971., pp 66–71.

Selbo, M. L. “Selecting Adhesives for Wood Products” in Adhesives Age, a publication of Communication Channels, Inc., Vol. 16, No. 10, Oct. 1973, pp 36–41, CAL Reprint No. 2143.

Seymour, Raymond B.Modern Plastics Technology, Reston Publ. Co., Reston, Va., 1975.

Shields, J.Adhesives Handbook, Butterworths, London, 1970, pp 80–231.

Simons, Herbert R. and James M.Church, “Plastics,” in The Encyclopedia of Basic materials, Reinhold Publ., New York, 1967, p 377.

Skeist, Irving. Handbook of Adhesives, Reinhold Publ., New York, 1977, pp 536, 537.

UNESCO publication available from UNIPUP, 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010. ICCROM, 13 Via di San Micheles, 00153 Rome, Italy.


1. Plywood: several thicknesses or plies of wood glued together so that the grain of any one ply is at right angles to the grain of the adjacent ply. Normally, plywood is of a veneer construction, using an uneven number of layers. Thicker dimensions are often made. as “table-boards,” i.e., a core of soft inferior lumber sandwiched between the veneers.

2. Prefabricated plywood pieces that had perforated patterns for various kinds of seats and backs were available during the time this type of chair was in vogue, comparable to the ready-made replacement pieces of wood carvings that are available today.

3. Property of certain gels to become fluid when shaken, stirred or otherwise disturbed, but setting again when allowed to stand.

4. J. Shields, Adhesives Handbook, Butterworths, London, 1970, 80–231; specifically, 86–99.

5. Robert L. Feller, Ultraviolet Radiation, paper #73, New York Meeting of American Chemical Society, Sept. 1957, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp 465–470. CAL Reprint No. 714, p 466.

6. W. J. Roff and J. R. Scott, Fibres, Films, Plastics and Rubbers, Butterworths, London, 1971, 87–99, esp. chap. 9.83.

7. Ibid., chap. 6.

8. Houwink, R. and Salamon, G., Adhesion and Adhesives, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1965, Vol. 1, p 297.

9. Analysis CAL 2008 (W. R. Hopwood): “From infrared spectra the yellow adhesive was found to consist of a polyvinyl-acetate formulation.The spectra also give evidence of the presence of polyacrylonitrile (copolymerized with the polyvinyl acetate) and of urea-formaldehyde resin as minor constituents (less than 10% urea-formaldehyde is present (Houwink and Soloman I, 207).Dispersion of the set adhesive in warm water was easily affected. Ageing of hardened adhesive is unlikely to result in additional crosslinking of the ureaformaldehyde ingredient which would reduce solubility.”See also “Aliphatic Glues,” in Consumer Reports, Vol. 42, No. 10, Oct., 1977, CAL 2495.

10. Cabot Corp., Billerica, Mass. 01821. Fumed silicon dioxide (non-hydrophilic), produced by the hydrolysis of silicon tetrachloride vapor in a flame of hydrogen and oxygen. CAL Commercial file: Materials, Fillers.

11. Later, this was found to be unwarranted, as the curvature of the seat could not be appreciably improved with a support. The curator concurred in this conclusion.

12. Abcite, which is fluorocarbon coated (to prevent sticking of the glue)—now Lucite AR.

13. A closely woven, soft, absorbent piece of cloth is folded around a pearshaped wad of cotton and tightened to a twisted tip, thus forming a sort of a heel and toe held with the forefinger, the heel being in the palm of the hand, twisted tightly. The polish is fed into the cotton from the back and the tip of the moist pad is pulled over the surface to be finished.

14. Golding, B., Polymers and Resins, Van Nostrand, New York, 1959, p 5–8. Pickett, A. G. and M. M. Lemco, Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., 1959, p 25; CAL Reprint 1488.

15. Minwax Co., Clifton, New Jersey: composition unknown, probably a mixture of carnauba, beeswax, turpentine and pigment.

Copyright � 1980 American Institute of Historic and Artistic Works