JAIC 1977, Volume 16, Number 2, Article 2 (pp. 12 to 20)
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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
JAIC 1977, Volume 16, Number 2, Article 2 (pp. 12 to 20)




Stolow, N., Ph.D., F.I.I.C., F.C.I.C.; Special Advisor (Conservation), National Museums of Canada, Esplanade Laurier, 22 NW, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0M8.

Pelletier, G. “Museums and Government. Democratization and Decentralization. A New Policy for Museums.” ICOM News 25 (1972): 219–222.

Thomson, G., ed. “Contributions to the London Conference on Museum Climatology 18–23 Sept. 1967.” p. 237. London: International Institute for Conservation of Artistic and Historic Works, 1968 (Revised).

Toiski, K. “Humidity Control in a Closed Package.” Studies in Conservation4 (1959): 81–87.

Thomson, G. “Relative Humidity—Variation with Temperature in a Case Containing Wood.” Studies in Conservation4 (1964): 153–69.

Buck, R. D.Private Communication Regarding the Transit of Masterpieces of Flemish Art: Van Eyck to Bosch, Detroit and Bruges, 1960—in which a constant R.H. of 50% was maintained.

Plenderleith, H. J., and PhilippotP. “Climatology and Conservation in Museums.” Museum13 (1960): 202–289.

Feller, R. L. “Control of Deterioration Effects of Light Upon Museum Objects.” Museum17 (1964): 57–98.

Stolow, N. “The Technical Organization of an International Art Exhibition.” Museum21 (1968): 182–240.

Stolow, N. “Fundamental Case Design for Humidity Sensitive Museum Collections.” Museum News February 1966: 45–52.

Stolow, N.Controlled Environment for Works of Art in Transit. p. 46. London: Butterworths, 1966.

Beale, A. “Materials and Methods for the Packing and Handling of Ancient Metal Objects.” Paper Read at 10th Annual Meeting of International Institute for Conservation of Artistic and Historic Works—American Group, May 31–June 2, 1969, at Los Angeles, California.

Lefeve, R., and Goorieckx, T. “Le transport de las chasse de St. Remacle de Stavelot a l'exposition de Montreal.” Bulletin, I.R.P.A.10 (1967–68): 183–88.

Leech, B.Private communication regarding use of preconditioned silica gel for Chinese Archeological Exhibition in Toronto, Canada, Oct.–Nov. 1974. Also on the subject of the technical organization of this exhibition.

Toiski, K.; Nishikawa, K.; and Washizuka, H.Unpublished paper prepared July 1975 for Meeting of Experts on Care of Works of Art in Loan Exhibitions between United States and Japan.

Dudley, D. H., and Wilkinson, I. B., et al. “Museum Registration Methods.” Revised. Washington, D.C.: AAM and Smithsonian Institution, 1968.

Buck, R. D.Museum Registration Methods, loc. cit. 16. The Inspection of Art Objects and Glossary for Describing Condition, pp. 164–70.

Fogg Art Museum. “Loan Procedure and Criteria.” Duplicated. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1974.

Symposium on Museum Architecture, Access, and Circulation. Organized by ICOM-UNESCO, Mexico, December 8–14, 1968. Reported in ICOM News March 1969: 39–42.

Private communications and consultations—Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto); International Fine Arts Gallery—Expo 67 (Montreal); Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal); National Museums of Canada (Ottawa); in the period 1966–76.

Private communications and consultations with Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Ill. 1973–74.

Copyright � 1977 American Institute of Historic and Artistic Works